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Leon Wong​
Chair, ITU-T Focus Group on Autonomous Networksm I Lead Research Engineer, Autonomous Networks, Rakuten Mobile, Inc

Leon Wong is a senior researcher in Rakuten Mobile and holds the role of lead research engineer and research collaboration for autonomous networking.  He has over 15 years of experience in IT & telecommunication industry working in various roles such as Subject Matter Expert in Operation Support System, Solution and Engineering leads. He is currently serving as chairman for ITU-T Focus Group of Autonomous Networks (FG-AN) and co-chair of Japan TTC Ad-hoc group on Autonomous Networks (AN-AH).
Vishnu Ram​
Vice-chair, ITU-T Focus Group on Autonomous Networks I Independent Research Consultant

Vishnu has hands-on experience in the field of Telecom industry for more than 25 years, developing and implementing standards, and holds many international granted patents Vishnu currently works as an independent consultant, is a Vice Chair of ITU Focus Group on Autonomous Networks and the co-convener of ITU Correspondence Group on datasets. Previously, he was a co-editor of ITU-T Focus Group specifications on Machine learning in 5G. His current passion includes coordinating standards initiatives, industry bodies, open source and academia, mentoring student projects and coordinating the ITU “AI/ML in 5G“ Challenge across the globe. He also curates and moderates webinars under the ITU Machine learning 5G webinar series and AI for Good. Vishnu was nominated as Scientific Advisory Board Associate (SABA) member of Motorola Networks and is a senior member of IEEE. He holds a Masters degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute
​ of Technology, Delhi. 
​​Xiaojia Song
Co-Chair, ITU-T Focus Group on Autonomous Networks, WG2 I Researcher, China Mobile

​Xiaojia Song is the co-chair of FG-AN WG2, who’s major in communications & information and now working for China Mobile as a researcher. Her main focus is in the area of autonomous networks, intelligent technologies in network, AI, etc. She is an active delegate in ITU-T, ISO/IEC JTC1, IEEE SA, 3GPP and CCSA.
​​​Yongsheng Liu
Senior Researcher, ITU-T Focus Group Autonomous Network WG1 Chair, China Unicom’s Research Institute

Yongsheng Liu is now a senior researcher in China Unicom’s Research Institute, whose research interests include AI, blockchain and computing network. He serves as an associate Rapporteur of Q13/SG11 ITU-T and WG1 Chair of FG-AN ITU-T.  He has been an editor for more than 10 Recommendations (published or under study), published more than 30 papers and got more than 10 patents. He received his B.E. degree from Dalian University of Technology in 2005, M.E. degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 2008, and Ph.D. degree from University of Tsukuba in 2012. He was an invited reviewer for journals and conferences such as IEEE TVT and ICC.
Paul Harvey
Autonomous Netw​orking Research and Innovation Department, University of Glasgow​.

Paul Harvey is a lecturer in Autonomous Systems at the James Watt School of Engineering, University of Glasgow. Here, he is exploring the cross-section of technologies and skills required for safe and meaningful fully-autonomous behaviour of both design and operation. Additionally, he is a working group co-chair in the UN's ITU-T Focus Group on Autonomous Networks and a visiting researcher at the University of Strathclyde. Paul also possess extensive experience in industrial research, where he was co-founder and research lead of the Rakuten Mobile Innovation Studio, and is a strong believer in open and collaborative research.