Committed to connecting the world


​ITU-UNIDO Forum on Sustainable Conformity Assessment for Asia-Pacific Region
Yangon City, Republic of Union of Myanmar, 25-27 November 2013


Day 1 - Monday, 25 November 2013

08:00 – 09:30 Registration​​
​09:30 – 10:00
​  Opening Session
   Welcome Address:
​10:00​ – 10:30 ​Coffee Break
​ 10:30 – 12:00 ​

Session 1: International Standardization - The Role of the World Standards Cooperation (ISO, IEC and ITU)

This session will first provide an overview of generic standardization policies and implementation strategies at global, regional and national levels, and then focus on the underlying synergies that can arise by applying well-established standardization, regulation and conformity assessment practices in specific industry sectors such as the telecommunications/ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in developing economies.

Session Chair: Nigel Croft,
UNIDO expert [ Biography ]


​ 12:00 ​– 14:00Lunch
14:00​ – 15:30

Session 2: Country Experiences from Asia-Pacific Region – Telecom Regulator’s Perspective

This session will share information on experience and approaches for conformity assessment [of ICT products] from countries of Asia-Pacific Region, including procedures, test suites, certification schemes, etc.

Session Chair: Sameer Sharma, ITU Regional Office in Bangkok [ Biography ]


15:30​  – 16:00​ ​Coffee Break
16:00​​ – 17:30​ 

Session 3: ITU Activities on Conformance and Interoperability

This session will first provide an overview of the four pillars of ITU’s conformance and interoperability (C&I) programme, then focus on pillar 1 (conformity assessment) and pillar 2 (interoperability events). This session will also present case studies of conformity assessment practices of ICT products from Asia-Pacific region.

Session Chair: Xiaoya Yang, ITU/TSB [ Biography ]


 *To be confirmed

Day 2 - TUESDAY, 26 November 2013

09:00 – 10:00

Session 4: Country Experiences from Asia-Pacific Region – Other Stakeholder’s Perspective

This session will share information on experience and approaches for conformity assessment [of ICT products] from countries of Asia-Pacific Region, including procedures, test suites, certification schemes, etc.

Session Chair: Sameer Sharma, ITU, Regional Office, Bangkok [ Biography ]


​10:00​ – 10:30Coffee Break
​10:30​ – 12:00

Session 5: Creating a Credible Conformity Assessment Infrastructure at the National, Regional and International Levels

This session will review the current global trends of harmonization and mutual recognition in the generic conformity assessment arena, and their possible application and impact in telecommunications/ICT in developing economies. 

Session Chair: Venkat Balakrishnan, Quality Council of India


​12:00 ​– 14:00 Lunch
14:00 ​– ​15:30

Session 6: UNIDO Activities on Capacity Building in the General Arena of Standards and Conformity Assessment

This session will present UNIDO’s role in the development of standards and conformity assessment infrastructures in developing economies.  

Session Chair: Ouseph Padickakudi, UNIDO [ Biography ]


15:30  ​–  ​16:00​ Coffee Break
​16:00​​ – 17:30​

Session 7: ITU Activities on Capacity Building and Creation of Testing Laboratories

This session will review ITU’s activities to implement pillar 3 (capacity building) and pillar 4 (creation of testing laboratories) of ITU’s C&I programme, including training activities and efforts to collaborate with regional and subregional organizations for establishing a common C&I Regime and Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRAs) in developing countries.

Session Chair: Xiaoya Yang, ITU/TSB [ Biography ]



Day 3 - WedneSDAY, 27 november 2013

09:00 – 10:30 Session 8: Small Groups Discussion on UNIDO & ITU C&I Activities for Asia-Pacific Region and Proposals for the Next Steps

Participants will be split into groups and discuss specific questions to  brainstorm how UNIDO and ITU could help countries in the Asia-Pacific region on conformity and interoperability and how ITU and UNIDO could cooperate in the region.

Moderators: Paolo Rosa, ITU Expert [ Biography ] and Nigel Croft, UNIDO​​ [ Biography ]

Group Discussion Questions

Findings of:  [ Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group 5 ]

10:30 – 11:00 ​Coffee Break
11:00 ​​– 12:00 Session 9: Reporting on Session 8 Discussion

The results of the group discussions in Session 8 will be reported with the objective to initiate an action plan for ITU and UNIDO cooperation in their future conformity and interoperability activities in the region.

Moderators: Xiaoya Yang, ITU/TSB  [ Biography ] and Ouseph Padickakudi, UNIDO [ Biography ] 

Key Conclusions and Recommendations

12:00 ​​– 12:30​Remarks and closing Ceremony
​12:30​​ – 14:30  ​Lunch
 *To be confirmed