Committed to connecting the world


​​​​​Machine learning for a 5G future
ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference,
Santa Fe, Argentina, 26-28 November 2018

Venue:Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Santa Fe, Argentina


Day 1 - Monday, 26 November

08:30-09:30​Welcome and registration

Opening plenary

  • Welcome remarks: Rudy Omar Grether (Dean of the Santa Fe Regional Faculty, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina and ITU Kaleidoscope 2018 General Chairman)
  • Opening address: Ignacio Tabares (Secretary of Technologies for Management and Government of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina)
  • Opening address: Chaesub Lee (Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU)
  • Welcome remarks: Hector Huici​ (Secretary of Information Technologies and Communications, Argentina)
  • Welcome remarks: Pablo Gustavo Farías​ (Minister of Government and State Reform of the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina)
10:30-11:00​Coffee break

Keynote speech

Impact of Machine Learning in 5G Planning and Deployment [Presentation]
Hugo Miguel (Under Secretary of Planning, Information and Communications Technologies Secretariat, Modernization Government Secretariat, Argentina)
Session chair: Maria Victoria Sukenik (Modernization Government Secretariat​, Argentina)


Session 1 – Machine Learning in Telecommunication Networks – I
Session chair: Ved P. Kafle (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)

  • S1.1  Invited paper - A Machine Learning Management Model for QoE Enhancement in Next Generation Wireless Ecosystems  [Presentation]
    Eva Ibarrola (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain); Mark Davis (Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), Ireland); Camille Voisin and Ciara Close (OptiWi-fi, Ireland); Leire Cristobo (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)
  • S1.2 Unsupervised Learning for Detection of Leakage from the HFC Network [Presentation]
    Emilia Gibellini and Claudio E. Righetti (Telecom Argentina, Argentina)
  • S1.3  Double Sarsa Based Machine Learning to Improve Quality of Video Streaming over HTTP Through Wireless Networks [Presentation]
    Dhananjay Kumar and Narmathaa Logganathan (Anna University, India); Ved P. Kafle (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
13:00-14:00​Lunch break

Session 2 – Artificial Intelligence and 5G
Session chair: Dhananjay Kumar (Anna University, India)

  • S2.1 Self-Healing and Resilience in Future 5G Cognitive Autonomous Networks* [Presentation]
    Janne Ali-Tolppa​ (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany); Szilárd Kocsis, Benedek Schultz and Levente Bodrog (Nokia Bell Labs, Hungary); Márton Kajó (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
  • S2.2 AI as a Microservice (AIMS) over 5G Networks [Presentation]
    Gyu Myoung Lee (Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom); Tai-Won Um (Chosun University, Rep. of Korea); Jun Kyun Choi (Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, Rep. of Korea)
  • S2.3 Multifractal Modeling of the Radio Electric Spectrum Applied in Cognitive Radio Networks* [Presentation]
    Luis Tuberquia David and Cesar Hernández (Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia)
  • S2.4 Towards Cognitive Autonomous Networks in 5G* [Presentation]
    Stephen S. Mwanje and Christian Mannweiler (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
​16:00-16:30Coffee break

Tutorial on "Artificial Intelligence: Pros and Cons"
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a discipline of computer science that is growing exponentially. Its transformation power already impacts people lives, making things smarter and smarter. AI emerges as a tool that helps human beings to solve problems that for years could not be tackled, and to carry out activities more efficiently and in a better way. However, there are some challenges that must be addressed, such as transparency, security and trust. While opportunities are great, some risks arise. In this context, new fears have emerged, such as the possibility of losing control over AI tools, and its consequences. In recent years, there have been examples of these types of threats. Even though this field of research is still developing, it is already driving the new industrial revolution. In light of this, it will be necessary to make users aware of the pros and cons of AI, in order to promote its benefits and its use for good.

Panelists [Presenta​tion​]:

20:30​Welcome reception - by invite only

Day 2 - Tuesday, 27 November


Session 3 – Machine Learning in Telecommunication Networks – II
Session chair: Mostafa Hashem Sherif (Consultant, USA; Kaleidoscope Steering Committee Member)​

  • S3.1 Invited paper - Machine Learning Opportunities in Cloud Computing Data Center Management for 5G Services [Presentation]
    Fabio López-Pires (Itaipu Technological Park, Paraguay); Benjamín Barán (National University of the East, Paraguay)
  • S3.2 Consideration on Automation of 5G Network Slicing with Machine Learning* [Presentation​]
    Ved P. Kafle, Yusuke Fukushima, Pedro Martinez-Julia and Takaya Miyazawa (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
​11:00-11:30Coffee break

Special session – Jules Verne's corner
The Future of Work and the Future of Privacy in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Moderator: Ana Rosa Tymoschuk (Secretary of Science and Technology, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Argentina)

​13:00-14:00Lunch break

Session 4 – Optimization of Data Management with Machine Learning
Session chair: Joan Garcia-Haro (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)

  • S4.1 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Data Migration in Multi-access Edge Computing [Presentation]
    Fabrizio De Vita, Dario Bruneo and Antonio Puliafito (University of Messina, Italy); Giovanni Nardini, Antonio Virdis and Giovanni Stea (University of Pisa, Italy)
  • S4.2 Predicting Activities in Business Processes with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks [Presentation]
    Edgar Tello-Leal (Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Mexico); Jorge Roa​ (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe, Argentina); Mariano Rubiolo (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe & FICH/UNL-CONICET, Argentina); Ulises Ramírez-Alcocer (Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Mexico)
​15:00-15:30Coffee break

Session 5 – Network Applications of Machine Learning
Session chair: Mariano Rubiolo (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional Santa Fe & FICH/UNL-CONICET, Argentina)​

  • S5.1 Smart Usage of Multiple RAT in IoT-oriented 5G Networks: A Reinforcement Learning Approach [Presentation]
    Ruben Martínez Sandoval, Sebastian Canovas-Carrasco, Antonio-Javier Garcia-Sanchez and Joan Garcia-Haro (Technical University of Cartagena, Spain)
  • S5.2 Message Collision Identification Approach Using Machine Learning [Presentation]
    Juan Pablo Martín, Bruno Marengo, Juan Pablo Prina and Martín Gabriel Riolfo (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Nicolás, Argentina)
  • S5.3 Optical Flow Based Learning Approach for Abnormal Crowd Activity Detection with Motion Descriptor Map [Presentation]
    Dhananjay Kumar and Govinda Raj Sampath Sarala (Anna University, India)
​17:00Guided tour to the Province Data Centre followed by a river ride - sign up here

Day 3 - Wednesday, 28 November


Session 6 – Social, Legal and Ethical Aspects in Machine Learning
Session chair: Eva Ibarrola (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain)

11:00-11:30​Coffee break
​11:30-12:30Tutorial on "Pattern Recognition"
Abstract: The objective of this tutorial is to understand the most recent pattern recognition methods and their implementation. It will include a brief summary on the learning problems, adjustments needed, least squares methods, k-nearest neighbors and support vector methods, variables selection and non-supervised learning techniques.

Panelist: Juan Pablo Martín (Research Group Director Communications, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Nicolás, Argentina) [Presentation]

Lunch break
Tutorial on "Can Artificial Intelligence Give a Mind to Machines?
Abstract: Throughout history, the mind has been conceived and defined in different ways. At present, functionalism has associated the mind-brain duality more strongly with the "equivalent" software-hardware concepts in the field of computer science. The enormous evolution of software through Artificial Intelligence has allowed us to emulate several aspects of human intelligence. This seems new, however, it has been the motivation for this discipline since its inception. An important milestone in this evolution is the bio-inspired techniques of deep learning that have made it possible to improve the performance of algorithms in various tasks and the implementation of practical systems of artificial intelligence for general purposes. However, can this evolution come to endow our computers with a real mind? Could you, for example, give them a conscience? From interactions with colleagues from diverse disciplines, several possible scenarios relating to these questions have been raised, some of which will be analyzed in this tutorial.

Panelist: Hugo Leonardo Rufiner (Full Professor, Informatics Department, National University of Litoral (FICH-UNL), Argentina) [Presentation]

Wrap-up session [Presentation]
Session chair: Mostafa Hashem Sherif (Consultant, USA; Kaleidoscope Steering Committee Member)​

Summary of the tenth ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference (panel with Session Chairs)

Coffee break

Closing plenary
Best paper awards and young author recognition ceremony​

  • Alessia Magliarditi(Kaleidoscope Coordinator, ITU) [Presentation​]
  • Chaesub Lee (Director, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU)
  • ​​Rudy Omar Grether (Dean of the Santa Fe Regional Faculty, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina and ITU Kaleidoscope 2018 General Chairman)
  • Hugo Miguel (Under Secretary of Planning, Information and Communications Technologies Secretariat, Modernization Government Secretariat, Argentina)
  • Maria Victoria Sukenik​ (Modernization Government Secretariat, Argentina)
  • Héctor Mario Carril (ITU-T Study Group 20 Vice-Chairman, Argentina)
​18:00 ​Guided tour of a local beer brewery  - sign up here

An * denotes papers nominated for best paper award.​ ​