Committed to connecting the world

Participate in the ITU, GeSI, WRF and HP workshop "ICT Solutions for Sustainable Lifestyles"

Joint ITU, WRF, HP and GeSI workshop 

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the World Resources Forum (WRF), Hewlett-Packard (HP) and GeSI jointly organised the workshop "ICT solutions for sustainable lifestyles" within the framework of the ICT4S conference on 13 February 2013 in Zürich, Switzerland.
The purpose of the workshop was to create dialogue on the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in enabling sustainable lifestyles among stakeholders ranging from social scientists to industry, policy-makers and consumers. The workshop showcased promising ICT solutions helping consumers to be more sustainable and resource-efficient. It also inspired new approaches to unleash the potential of ICT for sustainability. As well as presented the views of different organizations working on green ICT solutions, highlighting the role that standards, regulations and public policies played in moving from proof of concept to mainstream implementation. 

Further details on the event can be found at or by contacting Ms Cristina Bueti.​

Organized by

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