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JCA-AHF Documents (1 June 2016)

JCA-AHF Documents

01 June 2016, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland

Number​ ​Document title ​Source
Doc 248​Report of JCA-AHF meeting, Geneva, 1 June 2016​​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 247​Final list of participants​TSB
Doc 246​Captioning Transcript of the Joint Coordination on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 1 June 2016​ITU-TSB
Doc 245​ITU-D Presentation on ICT Accessibility​ITU-BDT
Doc 244 Rev.1​Draft agenda of JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, PM, 1 June 2016)​JCA-AHF
Doc 243         (Doc 243 Rev.1)​Draft 2016 ITU Accessibility Trust Fund Proposal​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 242​Report on activities of the Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD)​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 241​Updates on Accessibility in the USA​Gallaudet University
Doc 240​Accessibility at WSIS Forum 2016​General Secretariat of ITU
Doc 239​Promotion to add a section to the F.Relay document and/or to modify the Model ICT Accessibility Policy Report to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing have access to the telephone via their appropriate relay service​World Federation of the Deaf, SignVideo UK, JCA-AHF Vice-Chairman
Doc 238​Proposals for a European Policy for Improving Media Access for those with Decreased Abilities, Including the Ageing Population​JCA-AHF Vice-Chairman
Doc 237​Updates on Caption First​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 236​LS/i to JCA-AHF on Resolution ITU-R 67 "Telecommunication/ICT accessibility for persons with disabilities and persons with specific needs" [from ITU-R WP 5A]​ITU-R WP 5A
Doc 235​LS/i/r on techniques for improved end-user perception of trustworthiness indicators (reply to JCA-AHF - LS 35) [from ITU-T SG17]​ITU-T SG17
Doc 234​LS/i/r on barriers to wireless connections for hearing aids and medical devices [from ITU-R WP5D]​ITU-R WP5D
Doc 233​LS/i on increasing efficiency of work in ITU-T (to all ITU-T groups) [from ITU-T RevCom]​Review Committee
Doc 232​LS/i/r on cybersecurity/security on the Internet for persons with disabilities (reply to JCA-AHF - LS35) [from ITU-T SG2]​ITU-T SG2
Doc 231LS/i/r on request to consider accessibility and universal design in ITU-T SG20's work (reply to JCA-AHF - LS 36 -E) [from ITU-T SG20]ITU-T SG20