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Terms of Reference

ITU-T Study Group 11 Regional Group for Africa

A) To facilitate active participation in development of relevant recommendations and promote capacity building through workshops, meetings and training with regards to combating counterfeiting and conformance and interoperability issues;

B) To encourage the active participation of Administrations, regulators, manufacturers and operators and service providers of the region in the activities of ITU-T Study Group 11 (SG11), as well as in the implementation of ITU-T Recommendations;

C) To act as a forum, using both face to face as well as electronic meetings, for information-sharing related to SG11 activities;

D) To facilitate the broader inclusion and more active participation of African countries in SG11 activities, given the limited abilities to attend SG11 meetings in Geneva;

E) To encourage and promote participation of African countries in workshops, SG11 Rapporteur meetings and other SG11 events;

F) To assist African Administrations in the organization of SG11 events, e.g. workshops, trainings, seminars, etc. on SG11 selected emerging topics;

G) To strengthen standard-making capabilities of African countries in accordance with Resolution 44 on "Bridging the Standardization Gap" (Rev. Dubai, 2012);

H) To identify needs for training and develop and implement training plans on current ITU-T SG11 standardization areas, topical issues and future technologies, in coordination with ITU-T SG11 and ITU-D as appropriate;

I) To identify the regional priorities as they relate to the mandate of SG11, focusing initially on conformance and interoperability (C&I) testing as well as combating counterfeiting of ICT equipment:
1)   support regional contributions on C&I issues based on inputs provided by different African parties;
2)   support regional contributions on combating counterfeiting based on inputs provided by different African stakeholders, e.g. customs,  vendors, regulators, certification bodies, testing laboratories, etc.;    
3)   involve African stakeholders to participate in ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (ITU-T CASC) meetings, fostering their proposals on possible ITU-T Recommendations which may become candidate of the new joint IEC/ITU certification scheme;

J) To identify ITU-T Recommendations which are adopted at National level in the African region and therefore propose to develop relevant test specifications when this need is recognised;

K) To discuss both traditional and emerging topics in ITU-T SG11 (e.g. VoLTE/ViLTE interconnection), from the African regional perspective, aiming at drafting regional contributions to be submitted to SG11;

L) To coordinate the African regional support towards the development of new and revised ITU‑T Recommendations focusing on both traditional and emerging areas of interest in SG11;

M) To improve liaison, collaboration and representation between the African region and other world regions, through other regional groups and/or the parent group, on relevant standardization matters under the mandate of SG11;

N) To serve as a forum to promote the recognition and/or development of C&I testing labs and centres in Africa, development of MRAs and sharing of information among African countries;

O) To encourage African countries to have regulatory framework for C&I;

P) To cooperate with ITU-T SG11 in the development of framework, standards, guidelines   to control counterfeit and substandard ICT equipment; 

Q) To educate our citizenry about the possible dangers posed by the counterfeit devices including environmental disposal issues.

Working Methods
The management team, including Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the SG11RG-AFR, shall be appointed for two terms only.