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Executive Summary, SG12, January 2017

​​​​Executive summary: Meeting of ITU-T Study Group 12 (Performance, Quality of Service, Quality of Experience), Geneva, 10-19 January 2017

Note: This is not an official record and is subject to correction or modification

ITU-T Study Group 12 opened the ITU-T study period 2017-2020 with a meeting held in Geneva from 10 to 19 January 2017. The meeting was attended by 121 participants from 38 countries (see here for the list of participants). 16 delegates used the remote participation facilities.

The meeting received 68 Contributions and handled 164 TDs. Delegates reviewed 36 incoming Liaison statements and adopted 14 outgoing Liaison statements.

Eleven Recommendations were consented (5 new, 5 revised, 1 amendment), and two informative text were agreed (1 supplement, 1 amendment) (see below for details).

A webinar (announcement | recording | slides) was held on 19 January 2017 following the closing plenary, summarizing key meeting results. Photos of the SG12 opening plenary can be found here​. 

Major accomplishments
WTSA matters

The first meeting since WTSA-16​, the study group under the leadership of its new management team re-established its working party structure, confirmed rapporteur, liaison and representative roles, as well as the mandate and leadership positions for its only Regional Group, the SG12 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR).

The meeting reviewed SG12 related WTSA-16 Resolutions, and took initial action on some of them. In particular, SG12 adopted an operational plan for the implementation of Resolution 95 (Hammamet, 2016) on ITU-T initiatives to raise awareness on best practices and policies related to service quality. The operational plan was sent to TSAG, TDAG, and to ITU-T and ITU-D Study Groups.

Provisions were taken to prepare for contributions on "Guidelines regarding the minimum QoS and QoE threshold to be fulfilled during the use of alternative calling procedures," in response to WTSA Resolution 29 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) on Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks.

Completed work

ITU-T Rec. No. Question Reference New/Rev. Title AAP/Last Call
P.3813/12 TD141Rev.Technical requirements and test methods for the universal wired headset or headphone interface of digital mobile terminals AAP-5
P.11004/12 TD80R5Rev.Narrow-band hands-free communication in motor vehicles AAP-5
P.11104/12 TD81R3Rev.Wideband hands-free communication in motor vehicles AAP-5
P.11204/12 TD27R4NewSuper-wideband and fullband hands-free communication in motor vehicles AAP-5
P.11404/12 TD28R2Rev.Speech communication requirements for emergency calls originating from vehicles AAP-5
P.5016/12 TD86R2Rev.Test signals for use in telephonometry AAP-5
P.131010/12 TD95R1NewSpatial audio meetings quality evaluation AAP-5
E.84711/12 TD50R4NewQuality of service norms for time-division multiplexing interconnection between telecom networks AAP-5
Y.1545.112/12 TD131R3NewFramework for monitoring the quality of service of Internet Protocol network services AAP-5
E.802 Amd.112/12 TD129Rev.Framework and methodologies for the determination and application of quality of service parameters AAP-5
E.81112/12 TD130R1NewQuality measurement in major events AAP-5

The meeting consented new ITU-T Recommendations on

(1)  Super-wideband (SWB) and fullband (FB) hands-free communication in motor vehicles (will be known as ITU-T P.1120);
(2)  Spatial audio meetings quality evaluation (ITU-T P.1310);
(3)  Quality of service (QoS) norms for time-division multiplexing (TDM) interconnection between telecom networks (ITU-T E.847);
(4)  Framework for monitoring the Quality of service (QoS) of Internet Protocol (IP) network services (Y.1545.1);
(5)  Quality measurement in major events (ITU-T E.811).

Note that ITU-T E.847, Y.1545.1, and E.811 were based on the Contributions and leadership assumed by delegates from developing countries (India; Rwanda; Brazil and Ghana). ITU-T Y.1545.1 and E.811 were initially discussed in SG12's Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG), before being elevated to Study Group level.

ITU-T E.811 is based on recent experience of Brazil and Ghana in hosting major sports events (2008 Africa Cup of Nations, Ghana; 2014 FIFA World Cup, Brazil; 2016 Summer Olympics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

ITU-T P.1120 is joining its sister Recommendations ITU-T P.1100 and P.1110 (see below).

The meeting consented revisions of existing ITU-T Recommendations on

(6) Technical requirements and test methods for the universal wired headset or headphone interface of digital mobile terminals (ITU-T P.381);
(7)  Narrow-band hands-free communication in motor vehicles (ITU-T P.1100);
(8)  Wideband hands-free communication in motor vehicles (ITU-T P.1110);
(9)  Speech communication requirements for emergency calls originating from vehicles (ITU-T P.1140);
(10)Test signals for use in telephonometry (ITU-T P.501).

Recommendations in the P.1100 series were updated and revised to remove ambiguity concerning which tests defined in these standards are mandatory, and which are optional, e.g., for the use in ITU test events.

Revised Recommendation ITU-T P.501 integrates all amendments accrued since 2012, and further updates including an updated description of the double talk test signal; new Chinese and American test signals. Signals in Annex C and D are now available in fullband, super-wideband and narrowband.

SG12 also consented the amendment of one existing ITU-T Recommendation on

(11) Framework and methodologies for the determination and application of quality of service (QoS) parameters (ITU-T E.802)

Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T E.802 incorporates Annex A, which provides guidance on the selection of representative samples in the measurement of QoS parameters. The guidance takes into account these technical (statistical) and operational (practical QoS data collection) conditions by proposing a simple random sampling methodology. The amendment also adds Appendices IV and V with additional information on the implementation of the sampling algorithm included in Annex A, and on the use of sample-based QoS parameters. Work on this Amendment, which includes a software attachment, was largely driven by a delegate from Lesotho in order to increase the usability of E.802 in the day-to-day work of a regulator. This work was prepared in discussions in SG12 RG-AFR and QSDG, before being elevated to Study Group level. 

 Doc# Question Reference Title
P Suppl. 279/12 TD163R1Supplement to ITU-T P series of Recommendations: Application of P.863 and P.863.1 for speech processed by blind bandwidth extension approaches
P.1203 Amd.114/12 TD139Revised Appendix I: Performance figures

SG12 agreed on two non-normative texts:

(1) Supplement to ITU-T P series of Recommendations: Application of P.863 and P.863.1 for speech processed by blind bandwidth extension approaches;
(2) Amendment 1 to Recommendation ITU-T P.1203: Completion of performance figures in Appendix I.

The supplement was initially proposed as Implementers' Guide, but changed to a supplement to be in line with the definitions in Recommendation ITU-T A.1. The next meeting foresees a major overhaul of ITU-T P.863 ('POLQA') and P.863.1 incorporating the various supplement and existing related Implementers' Guides, as appropriate.

Amendment 1 to ITU-T P.1203 (P.NATS) will be reflected in the first published version of P.1203.

New work items
SG12 established new work items on

  1. Transmission characteristics for in car communication (P.ICC);
  2. Subjective methodology for speech and audio multi-channel test (P.SAT);
  3. Parametric bitstream-based and pixel based quality assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming services over reliable transport for HEVC and UHD (P.NATS Phase II);
  4. Parametric non-intrusive bitstream assessment for HEVC and 4K media streaming quality over UDP (P.NAMS Phase II);
  5. Framework for intelligent network analytics and diagnostics (E.FINAD);
  6. End-to-end QoS for video telephony over 4G mobile networks (G.ViLTE);
  7. Strategies to establish quality measurement frameworks (E.RQUAL);
  8. Statistical framework for QoE-centric benchmarking, scoring and ranking (E.NetPerfRank);
  9. Voice and data QoS KPI thresholds on mobile networks (E.RQST);
  10. QoE for Virtual Reality (G.QoE-VR).

Work items E.RQUAL, E.NetPerfRank and E.RQST are related to the mandate given to SG12 by WTSA Resolution 95.

G.ViLTE will complement the existing ITU-T G.1028 on end-to-end QoS for voice over 4G mobile networks (ex. G.VoLTE).

Further to these new work items proposed to lead to new ITU-T Recommendations, provisions were taken to prepare for contributions on "Guidelines regarding the minimum QoS and QoE threshold to be fulfilled during the use of alternative calling procedures," in response to WTSA Resolution 29 (Rev. Hammamet, 2016) on Alternative calling procedures on international telecommunication networks​.

Other issues
As part of the QoENet project (, ITU welcomed 12 early stage researchers in the field of quality of experience (QoE) and their 7 supervisors to attend the first week of the SG12 meeting as invited guests. The programme for the visitors consisted of dedicated sessions and regular SG12 sessions the visitors were able to follow. During the dedicated sessions testimonials (delegates, ITU staff) shared some of their experience in QoS/QoE related standardization with the early stage researchers. In another session, ITU and WIPO representatives discussed the role of intellectual property rights in (ITU) standards. Some of the researchers have already contributed to SG12 in the context of the QoENet project, and is hoped that the visit will motivate the participants to submit more input, in the context of the project and beyond.

SG12 received and responded positively to a request from ETSI TC STQ MOBILE to explore the possibility to establish a close collaboration on certain topics of particular common interest to SG12 and TC STQ MOBILE. Potential areas for close collaboration may include the update and maintenance of the ETSI TS 102 250 series and Recommendation ITU-T E.804; QoS and QoE aspects of digital financial services; subjective test design.

SG12 in the news

Results by group directly reporting to Plenary

Q2/12 Regional Group for Africa Quality of service development group (QSDG) Results by working party
Working Party 1/12

Working Party 2/12

Working Party 3/12 Future meetings and workshops
Meetings of SG12 Meetings of Rapporteur groups

(Please see here for updated information)

Meeting of Quality of Service Development Group (QSDG) Meeting of SG12 Regional Group on QoS for the Africa Region (SG12 RG-AFR)