Committed to connecting the world

Objective I.4

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I.​4: Enhance/promote recognition of (the importance of) the telecommunications/ ICTs as a key enabler of social, economic and environmentally sustainable development

I.4-1: Increased multilateral and inter-governmental recognition of telecommunications/ICTs as a cross-cutting enabler for all three pillars of sustainable development (economic growth, social inclusion and environmental balance) as defined in the outcome document of the United Nations Rio+20 Sustainable Development Conference, and in support of the UN mission for peace, security and human rights
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I.4-1 Reports and other inputs to UN inter-agency, multilateral and inter-governmental processes.

I.4-1​ Reports and other inputs to UN inter-agency, multilateral and inter-governmental processes

ITU and the United Nations
2016 was a ground-breaking year for the United Nations with the coming into effect, on the first of January, of the newly adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, comprising the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets, and the launching of the first global follow-up and review process of the SDGs during the High Level Political Forum (HLPF) and related mechanisms and forums under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). ITU actively participated in the follow-up and review process, leading to and including the HLPF.

ITU's work with the United Nations during this period was also driven by the Union's participation in and contributions to other major conferences, summits, and high-level meetings, including: The World Humanitarian Summit; High-Level Midterm Review of the Implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020; Habitat III; COP 22; and the 11th Annual Internet Governance Forum. 

During 2016, ITU continued to make all possible efforts to include the work of ITU in relevant General Assembly, ECOSOC, and CSTD resolutions and to a number of UN Secretary-General's annual reports presented to these bodies.

In terms of inter-agency coordination, ITU's visibility and leadership within the Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) and its three pillars (High Level Committee on Programmes (HLCP), the High Level Committee on Management (HLCM) and the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) remained strong. ITU is also called to play a relevant role in the United Nations Inter-Agency Task Team of the Technology Facilitation Mechanism established by the Addis Ababa Action Agenda and part of the Means of Implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development, among other inter-agency coordination mechanisms (such as those on youth and gender).

Furthermore, ITU also works closely with UN Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States, and the UN Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to bring the potential of ICTs/broadband for sustainable development. As member of the UN Inter-Agency Group of the LDCs, ITU contributed to the toolkit for mainstreaming the Istanbul Program of Action, which is a monitoring and living document. ITU has also participated in the consultations for the establishment of the Technology Bank for the full implementation of the Istanbul Plan of Action for LDCs. 

For more details see document C17/INF/10.

Climate Change
For reporting on ITU's activities related to climate change, see sections R.2-1, T.1-5, T.5-3, D.1-4, D.4-1, D.4-4, D.5-1, and D.5-2.

Smart Sustainable Cities
For reporting on ITU's activities related to smart sustainable cities, see sections T.1-5, T.5-3, and D.5-2.

For reporting on ITU's activities related to e-waste, see sections T.1-4, T.1-5, T.5-2, D.4-1, D.5-1, and D.5-2.

Emergency Telecommunications
For reporting on ITU's emergency telecommunications-related activities and activities related to disaster prediction, detection, mitigation and relief in 2016, see sections R.2-1, T.5-3, and D.5-2.

Work on gender-related issues includes the implementation of an ITU's Gender Equality and Mainstreaming Policy. More details can be found in C17/6. One of the key initiatives in 2016 was the EQUALS, a joint ITU-UN Women initiative, with partners hailing from both the public and private sectors, this Global Partnership is dedicated to women and girls in technology and aims to harness the power of modern ICTs to promote gender equality in the digital technology revolution. ITU has also organized the 2016 International girls in ICT day and has granted the 2016 GENDEREM-TECH Awards to "Aliadas en Cadena", "WAAW Foundation", and "The World Wide Web Foundation".

Empowerment of Youth through ICTs
In 2016, ITU advanced its work in the implementation of Resolution 198 (Busan, 2014), which establishes ITU's mandate in the area of empowering of youth through telecommunication/ICT. The implementation of Resolution 198 followed the lines of action indicated in the roadmap for 2016-2018 established by Council Resolution 1374, covering areas such as strengthening work with academia, promoting participation of young professionals in ITU meetings and governing bodies, strengthening ITU's work in the area of young innovators and entrepreneurs, and ensuring ITU-wide coordination in the area of youth.

Some examples of activities conducted by ITU during this reporting period include: the Child Online Programme, the 2016 Young Policy Leaders Programme (held during the 2016 session of Council) or the 2016 Girls in ICT campaign.

For 2017, it is planned that ITU will advance its work in the implementation of the youth roadmap, putting special emphasis on maximizing the synergies with other UN- and ITU-related initiatives and programmes to ensure the provision of youth with the necessary skills for (online) employment, including the Child Online Protection Initiative and the Girls in ICT global campaign, among others. Further information about ITU's activities on youth is available at​