Committed to connecting the world


08:30 - 09:30Registration
​09:30 - 09:​45​Opening Remarks
​09:45 - 10:15Executive Roundtable
Moderator: Eva Molnar (Director, Sustainable Transport Division, UNECE) [Biography]
​10:15 - 1​0:45​Coffee Break - The Symposium is kindly supported byTÜV Südand Ygomi
​10:45 - 12:00​​5G and automotive
Moderator: T. ​Russell Shields (Chair, Ygomi LLC, United States) [Biography]​
​12:00 - 12:30How artificial intelligence and machine learning will change vehicles and transport
Moderator: Reinhard Scholl (Deputy to the Director, Standardization Bureau, ITU) [Biography]
​​12:30 - 13:30Lunch Break - The Symposium is kindly supported byTÜV Südand Ygomi
​13:30 - 15:00​​Connected vehicles and automated driving – From coexistence to convergence?
Moderator: Walter Nissler (Chief, Vehicle Regulations and Transport Innovations Section, UNECE) [Biography]
​15:00 - 15:30​Coffee Break - The Symposium is kindly supported byTÜV Südand Ygomi
​15:30 - 17:00 Mitigating cybersecurity threats to automotive systems
​Moderator: Roger C. Lanctot (Director, Automotive Conne​cted Mobility, Automotive Practice, Strategy Analytics, United States)
17:00Wrap-up and Closing
​Moderators: Reinhard Scholl (ITU) and Walter Nissler (UNECE)
