Page 110 - ITU Kaleidoscope 2016
P. 110

2016 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           to broaden the role of spectrum sharing in future processes   access and utilisation of the radio spectrum. The spectrum’s
           of  spectrum  allocation  and  assignment.  In  section  6   transformation from a carrier of analog signals to a carrier of
           conclusions are drawn.                             digital  information  has  allowed  many  sectors  to  take
                                                              advantage of its pervasive use. The utilisation of spectrum
                                                              frequencies  continues  to  fuel  a  high  rate  of  technological
                           2. ICT AS A GPT
                                                              progress  both  for  manufacturers  of  wireless  devices  and
                                                              equipment  as  well  as  for  developers  of  software  solutions
           It  is  not  an  overstatement  that  ICT  has  been  a  key   for  wireless  applications.  In  their  study  Rincon  et  al  [18]
           contributor to economic growth. Over the second half of the   found that spillover effects, although negative in the short-
           20   century  wireless  communications  have  fueled  the   term,  turn  to  positive  after  about  five  years  of  initial
           development of ICT with an unprecedented growth in both   investments. They also find that spillovers across industries
           reach  and  scope.  Ever  since  ALOHA  started  to  transmit   are positive and significant.
           packets  of  data  back  in  the  late  1960s  the  smart
           manipulation  of  data  signals  that  use  the  spectrum  to   Seen  through  the  lens  of  the  GPT  concept,  the  effects  of
           propagate  and  carry  information  has  been  a  continuous   ICT  have  not  only  been  beneficial  to  the  technology  and
           source  of  innovation  in  wireless  communications. Looking   telecommunications sectors per se but to the wider economy
           forward  the  smart  and  efficient  use  of  the  radio  spectrum   across and society. Deployment and innovation in ICT has
           will keep adding to innovation in ICT.             become intimately linked to the smart utilisation of the radio
                                                              spectrum.  However,  since  spectrum  is  a  public  resource
           One  theoretical  element  that  helps  comprehend  ICT’s   traditionally   overseen   by   government,   spectrum
           impact  on  economic  growth  is  the  concept  of  General   management has been rather slow and struggles to keep up
           Purpose  Technology  (GPT).  GPT  has  been  defined  as  “a   with innovations.
           single  generic  technology,  recognizable  as  such  over  its
           whole  lifetime,  that  initially  has  much  scope  for
           improvement  and  eventually  comes  to  be  widely  used,  to   3. SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT
           have many uses, and to have many spillover effects” [12]. A
           GPT  is  usually  a  crude  technology  that  evolves  to   Since the times when radio spectrum was first used to guide
           encompass  a  broad  range  of  uses,  usually  applied  in  the   ships  on  their  Northern  Atlantic  routes  and  later
           production  of  a  wide  range  of  outputs  [12].  In  a  sense  a   commercially by early radio stations, the need for organising
           GPT is an opportunity enabler that opens the door to other   it  in  channels  without  signal  interference  was  quickly
           technologies and uses, its efficiency improving as it diffuses   acknowledged  [8].  Minimising  interference  and  assigning
           through  an  economy.  GPTs  may  transform  the  economic,   bands to a handful of uses were therefore the focus of early
           social and political structures that embrace them; such GPTs   spectrum  management. Fast forward to the second decade
           are  known  as  “transforming  GPTs”.  As  an  illustration,   of the 21  century and the scope, complexity and diversity
           although  not  widely  accepted,  Lipsey  et  al.  [12]  list  24   of tasks associated with spectrum management are daunting.
           transforming  GPTs  throughout  modern  human  history   Its  modern  conception  as  stated  by  Cave  et  al  is  ‘to
           including  domestication  of  animals,  wheel,  iron,  printing,   maximise  the  value  that  society  gains  from  the  radio
           internal  combustion  engine,  electricity,  mass  production,   spectrum  by  allowing  as  many  efficient  users  as  possible
           computer, Internet and biotechnology.              while ensuring that the interference between different users
           GPTs are innovations that are slow to develop and diffuse   remains  manageable’  [7].  In  other  words  in  addition  to
           yet gradually impact most activities in the economy. GPTs   interference manageability, Spectrum Authorities (SA) seek
           are defined within historical time, i.e., they start at a point in   to allow more users to use spectrum and more value to be
           time,  they  expand  to  eventually  mature  and  give  way  to   derived from it [3], [4].
           other  technological  changes  [12].  ICT  is  generally   Currently  the  most  noticeable  trend  in  spectrum
           recognized as a GPT. This means that ICT is seen as sharing   management is a shift away from command-and-control to a
           GPTs’   unique   characteristics,   characteristics   that   market-based  approach  where  users  and  applicants  to
           differentiate  them  from  conventional  economic  goods  and   licenses  act  within  an  incentive-based  institutional
           services.  It  is  their  historical  dimension  that  makes  GPTs   framework expected to lead to efficient spectrum use. When
           contribute to business cycles. For instance, in its first phase,   foreseeing the potential commercial use of a band, typically
           ICT diverts resources from other economic activities with a   SAs have relied, first, on deciding the type of use the band
           corresponding slowdown of the economy. Some argue that   will  be  given  to,  and  then,  providing  a  license  to  one  or
           this is partially what happened with ICT and the productivity   more operators for its exploitation. The former is known as
           slowdown from the early seventies to the nineties [1].    spectrum allocation and the latter is known as  spectrum
           Characterising  ICT  as a GPT, Rincon et al  [18]  state that   assignment [7].
           ICT exhibits considerable technological progress and its use   Every  SA  seeks  to  keep  excessive  interference  from
           is pervasive in a wide range of economic sectors; it is also   occurring  and  in  so  doing  they  keep  tight  control  on
           considered a booster for complementary innovations and a   allocating  spectrum  to  uses  in  such  a  way  that  similar
           generator  of  important  spillover  effects.  In  the  wireless   services  tend  to  cluster  in  similar  bands.  The  SA  is  also
           communication sector those characteristics are propelled by   charged with assigning the spectrum to diverse users. When

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