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Work      FG‐SSC     SDO work‐   Document        Corresponding      Standardization   Future needs
              area    deliverable(s)   ing on this   number    document title      gap in this area   and suggestions
                      related to this   area   released by                                          to SG5
                       work area                this SDO
                                              ISO/TR      Information security man‐
                                              11633‐      agement for remote mainte‐
                                              1:2009      nance of medical devices and
                                                          medical information systems –
                                                          Part 1: Requirements and risk
                                              ISO/TR      Information security man‐
                                              11633‐      agement for remote mainte‐
                                              2:2009      nance of medical devices and
                                                          medical information systems ‐
                                                          Part 2: Implementation of an
                                                          information security
                                                          management system (ISMS)
                                              ISO         Guidelines on data protection
                                              22857:2013   to facilitate trans‐border flows
                                                          of personal health data
                                              ISO         Digital imaging and communi‐
                                              12052:2006   cation in medicine (DICOM)
                                                          including workflow and data
                                              ISO/TR      Clinical document registry
                                              13128:2012   federation
                                              ISO         Health cards – General charac‐
                                              20301:2014   teristics
                                              ISO 21549   Patient healthcard data – Part
                                                          1: General structure (2013);
                                                          Part 2: Common objects
                                                          (2014); Part 3: Limited clinical
                                                          data (2014); Part 4: Extended
                                                          clinical data (2014); Part 5:
                                                          Identification data (2008);
                                                          Part 6: Administrative data
                                                          (2008); Part 7: Medication
                                                          data (2007); Part 8: Links
                                              ISO         Health indicators conceptual
                                              21667:2010   framework
                                              ISO/TS      Classification of safety risks
                                              25238:2007   from health software
                                              ISO/HL 7    Individual case safety reports
                                              27953       (ICSRs) in harmacovigilance –
                                                          Part 1: Framework for adverse
                                                          event reporting; Part 2:
                                                          Human pharmaceutical
                                                          reporting requirements
                                                          for ICSR
                                              ISO         Health informatics – Messages
                                              10159:2011   and communication – Web
                                                          access reference manifest
                                              ISO/IEEE    Health informatics – Personal
                                              11073‐      health device communication
                                              00103:2015   – Part 00103: Overview

            1002                                                     ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications
   1007   1008   1009   1010   1011   1012   1013   1014   1015   1016   1017