Page 12 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
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Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities | Striving for sustainable development goals

            and sustainable – encourages cities to adopt integrated policies
            and plans to build more inclusive, resource-efficient cities able to
            mitigate and adapt to climate change and improve their resilience
            to disasters. The promotion of Smart Sustainable Cities will be key
            to achieving these objectives, in addition serving the overarching
            objective outlined by Goal 13, to “Take urgent action to combat
            climate change and its impacts”.

            The  new  ITU-T  Study  Group  20  is  developing  international
            standards to enable the coordinated development of the Internet
            of  Things  (IoT),  including  machine-to-machine  communications
            and  ubiquitous  sensor  networks.  The  Study  Group  will  develop
            standards  that leverage IoT  to address urban-development
            challenges, building on the 21 Technical Reports and Specifications
            compiled by this compendium.

            The Technical Reports and Specifications outline feasible means of
            developing Smart Sustainable Cities. They provide guidance to city
            leaders in establishing a framework for the management, control
            and optimization of the Smart Sustainable City environment as a
            laboratory for innovation and urban simulation. Such frameworks
            help us to improve our understanding of existing urban challenges
            as  a  basis  for  the  development  of  effective  responses  to  these
            challenges using coordinated urban ICT systems.

            This  compendium  also  provides  a  detailed  list  of  the  key
            performance  indicators  (KPIs)  for  Smart  Sustainable  Cities
            developed by the Focus Group to assist city leaders in evaluating
            their degree of success in achieving the objectives of smart-city
            strategies. Dubai and Singapore were the first two cities to join
            ITU’s two-year pilot project to evaluate the feasibility of the KPIs,
            and ITU has been approached by a range of other cities interesting
            in  joining  the  project.  The  pilot  project  will  contribute  to  ITU’s
            international standardization of the indicators and the subsequent
            development of a ‘Global Smart Sustainable Cities Index’ derived
            from this set of indicators.

            This compendium is part of ITU’s efforts to support city leaders
            in their efforts to improve their understanding of the capabilities
            of Smart Sustainable Cities and the urban-development challenges
            motivating their development. ITU is committed to assisting cities
            in defining and executing long-term strategies for the development
            of Smart Sustainable Cities, and we are pleased to present this
            compendium in service of this commitment.

            2 ITU-T’s Technical Reports and Specifications
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