Page 18 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 18


            This Technical Report was researched and principally authored by Professor Sekhar N. Kondepudi
            from  the  National  University  of  Singapore  (NUS).  The  author  would  like  to  first  thank  ITU  for
            providing such an exciting opportunity to work and research under the ITU‐T Focus Group on Smart
            Sustainable Cities (FG‐SSC). Vinod Ramanarayanan, Alok Jain, Guru Nandan Singh, Nitin Agarwal NK,
            Rahul  Kumar  and  Rahul  Singh  (National  University  of  Singapore),  Pernilla  Bergmark  (Ericsson),
            Takafumi Hashitani (Fujitsu), Paolo Gemma (Huawei), Ziqin Sang (Fiberhome Technologies), Daniela
            Torres  (Telefonica),  Mythili  Menon  (University  of  Geneva),  Angelica  V.  Ospina  (University  of
            Manchester) and Chris Ip (University of Toronto) provided inputs for this Technical Report.

            The author also acknowledges the guidance and support from all the members of the ITU‐T FG‐
            SSC  Management  Team,  and  especially,  Paolo  Gemma  (Huawei  and  FG‐SSC  Working  Group  2
            Additional  information  and  materials  relating  to  this  Technical  Report  can  be  found  at:
  ‐t/climatechange. If you would like to provide any additional information, please
            contact Cristina Bueti (ITU) at
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