Page 26 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 26

Table 1 (end)

                                                   Pollution and waste

                    Waste                   Air                      Water                     Noise

               Waste                Urban particulates     Drinking water             Noise pollution
               Management           and air quality         Water quality index
               Wastewater           Indoor air pollution    Water stress
                treatment            Local ozone            Water management
                                     Regional ozone
                                     NOx and SOx
                                                Social, economy and health

               Social services                 Gross Domestic Product         Adequate sanitation
               Citizen satisfaction            (GDP)                           Disease control and
               Education                       Employment                      mitigation
               Culture and recreation          Financial resilience           Citizen health services
               Social inclusion
               Demographics (aging)

            The  categories  and  components  reflected  in  Table  1  evidence  that  the  environment  and
            sustainability dimension is pivotal to the operations of cities. At the same time, these components
            can be used as the basis to design indicators and methods to assess the city's performance in this
            field. The development of key performance indicators for SSC is the focus of one of the Technical
            Reports produced by FG‐SSC .
            Furthermore, based on Table 1, it is clear that a wide variety of different attributes representing
            different aspects related to a city contribute to this dimension. These can be summarized as policy,
            infrastructure, management, climate change and CO2 emissions, energy, pollution: water, air, waste,
            noise and their implications on the social, health and economic well‐being.

            2.2  City level services

            The  second  dimension  of  a  city  is  its  services  and  how  they  characterize  a  functional  urban
                                          15 16 17 18 19
            environment. Various studies           suggest the following attributes for this dimension:


            16  UN (2011), The Global Compact Cities Programme –
            17  Circles  of  Sustainability:‐content/uploads/2013/04/Urban‐Profile‐
            18  Siemens websites include links to the Green city index reports.

            16                                                       ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications
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