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guests may be at a premium. From the hotel perspective its ability to adapt to the current occupancy
            rate is much aided by the use of IBT. The ability to "shut down a room" or to "open up a room" in
            response to an arriving guest or a departing guest can provide a significant impact on the bottom
            line. With accurate and complete information planning is easily achieved to only clean rooms which
            have been used, to only heat and to only light rooms which are occupied. Individual staff members
            can be readily monitored as part of the overall building effectiveness. Many hotels already provide
            suitable "intelligent" links between the television and the hotel's billing system. It is now regular
            practice for there to be a keyboard in each room and for one of the channels to provide a screen
            and communication so that guests can check out, settle accounts and order special services as they
            may wish. In summary, the hotel is fertile ground for increasing the benefits of automation through
            an integration of its operational systems, thereby yielding an intelligent building.

            3.5  Hospital

            A hospital is very sophisticated in some of the "intelligent" applications which are already widely
            used. Those functions are however largely related to the delivery of medical services. For example,
            many hospitals have developed or acquired special software used to track patients who arrive in the
            emergency room and require significant testing and processing within the emergency room, often
            before they are then discharged without having entered the hospital's system.

            Patients are booked in clinics, laboratory requisitions are filed, hospital cards are provided, and
            psychiatric wards are managed. The intelligent building aspect however is left far behind because
            there is very little scheduling that can be accomplished in a manner which will yield significant
            benefits to the hospital's bottom line. HVAC is required 24 hours per day and lighting can only be
            "reduced"  during  "sleeping  hours".  The  requirements  of  maintaining  a  hospital  as  "a  publicly
            accessible facility" and to "provide effective security" is without question a contradiction. In many
            hospitals  entrances  are now  being  locked  except  for  the  emergency room  which  are  still  open
            24 hours daily even when some of the other locations conform to a consistent need at all times. The
            requirements to ensure that standby generators are always ready to provide their services, that
            patient records are always available to the physicians providing treatment are two very different
            needs  and  there  is  little  room  to  provide  integration  of  these  two  requirements.  The  legal
            requirements  to  ensure  confidentiality  of  all  patient  information  is  a  good  reason  to  consider
            segregating the networks used for building control and for providing medical services.

            3.6  Factory

            Factories  are  usually  custom  built  in  order  to  manufacture  a  car,  a  computer  or  another
            manufactured product. As such the processes necessary for the manufacturing are quite secondary
            to  the  control  and  management  of  the  building.  For  this  reason  the  intelligent  building  aspect
            addresses only the maintenance of the building(s) to ensure that the environment provided by the
            building is appropriate for the machines and processes carrying on the manufacturing of defined
            products. In other respects maintaining, managing and informing on the operation of the building
            itself is no different than the functionalities called for in a multi‐unit residential or commercial

            3.7  Intelligent buildings and new business opportunities

            The "intelligent building" concept goes far beyond supporting sustainability goals, saving energy,
            enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. The concept also represents processes as well as services,
            profits, job creation and capacities enhancement in the ICT and building industries. The concept

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