Page 777 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 777

D4.1   Education

            Education  and  training  is  critical  to  enhance  human  creativity  and  social  quality.  This  section
            examines how ICT modernizes education and training.

            D4.2   Health

            Health care here refers specifically to medical services. Citizens are complaining more and more
            about limited medical resources and skewed supply and demand relationship. This part investigates
            how ICT contributes to solve this problem.

            D4.3   Safety/security public places

            Security and safety is the basic civil service guaranteed by governors since ancient times. Security
            concerns are mainly about man‐made threats, specifically crimes and terrorism. Safety is about
            actions taken against natural disasters and accidents. ICT plays a vital role in these two areas.

            D4.4   Convenience and comfort

            This part is a complementary set of other objective research. It contains subjective feelings and
            impressions regarding various topics mentioned above as a result of questionnaires and interviews.

            6.3.5   D5 Equity and social inclusion

            The ICT impact on D5 Equity and social inclusion in SSC would be sampled in the following four
            sectors: inequity of income/consumption (D5.1), social and gender inequity of access to services
            and  infrastructure  (D5.2),  openness  and  public  participation  (D5.3),  and  governance  (D5.4).
            Governance and public service have a great influence on social development. It is obvious that
            modern governments must be open and highly efficient. Otherwise, frequent turbulence would
            jeopardize stability and development. D5 will find out if ICT is helping improve social harmony and
            administrative efficiency.

            D5.1   Inequity of income/consumption

            This part is about the inequity of income/consumption at the city level.

            D5.2   Social and gender inequity of access to services and infrastructure

            This part is about the social and gender inequity of access to services and infrastructure at the city
            D5.3   Openness and public participation

            Domestically, more and more people come to live in cities as a result of urbanization. Hence, it is
            important  to  help  those  citizens  adapt  easily  to  their  new  environment.  In  the  background  of
            globalization, every city is trying to attract tourists, talents and investment worldwide and there are
            multi‐ethnic and multi‐religion issues involved in this process. This part tries to discover how ICT
            could improve the openness of the city and its citizens.

            Moreover, this part studies how ICT elevates people’s willingness of participation. The citizenship
            spirit is reflected directly in the participation in public life.

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