Page 798 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 798

Appendix I

                                                Additional indicators

            The indicators listed in the following table are proposed as additional indicators for consideration.
            Cities can select appropriate ones among those, and/or add new indicators, in order to evaluate the
            contributions  of  ICT  to  their  SSC  goals.  Each  additional  indicator  is  labeled  (Ax.y.z),  where  (i)  x
            denotes the dimension, (ii) y the sub‐dimension and (iii) z the indicator.

                Sub‐dimension                 Indicator                            Description

             D1.1 Networks and     A1.1.1 Availability of mobile‐   Mobile‐cellular telephone subscriptions per
             access                cellular telephones              100 inhabitants (*).

                                   A1.1.2 International Internet    International Internet bandwidth (bit/s) per
                                   bandwidth                        Internet user (*)
                                                                    NOTE – This is the sum of used capacity of
                                                                    all Internet exchanges offering international
                                                                    bandwidth. If capacity is asymmetric, then
                                                                    the incoming capacity is used. International
                                                                    Internet bandwidth (Mbit/s) per Internet
                                                                    user is calculated by converting to bits per
                                                                    second and dividing by the total number of
                                                                    Internet users.
                                   A1.1.3 Use of Internet by city   Proportion of inhabitants using internet.

                                   A1.1.4 Coverage rate of digital   Proportion of digital broadcasting network
                                   broadcasting network             covering families in the city.
                                   A1.1.5 Availability of ultrahigh   Proportion of households with access to
                                   speed wireline connection        downstream speeds equal to, or greater
                                                                    than, 30 Mbits/s.
                                   A1.1.6 Availability of highspeed   Proportion of city area which provides
                                   mobile broadband.                access to downstream speeds equal to, or
                                                                    greater than, 10 Mbits/s.
                                   A1.1.7 Availability of WiFi in public  Number of WiFi hotspots at certain points
                                   areas                            in the city center.
                                   A1.1.8 Availability of smart     Number of smart phones and tablets per
                                   phones and tablets               100 inhabitants.
                                   A1.1.9 Quality of fixed broadband   Mean‐download speed (fixed)
                                   A1.1.10 Quality of mobile        Cell‐edge performance (mobile)
             D1.2 Services and     A1.2.1 Availability of electronic   Existence of electronic and mobile payment
             information           and mobile payment platforms     platforms to facilitate access to city services
             platforms                                              for city inhabitants.

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