Page 862 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 862

Table D.1 – Evaluation index system of SSC

              No.      First‐level index      Second‐level index                Third‐level index

                                                                    Penetration rate of government online
                                                                    Support degree of information resource on
                                             Smart e‐government
                                                                    Percentage of online administration in the
                                                                    overall amount of work
                                                                    Increasing rate of the public basic
                                                                    satisfaction of the government work
                                                                    Capability of traffic information
                                               Smart transport      administration and service
                                                                    Installation rate of smart sensing terminals
                                                                    Usage rate of informatization in logistics
                                                Smart logistics     Percentage of e‐commence transaction
                                                                    amount in logistics
                                                                    Usage rate of RFID tags in items
                                                                    Application level of telecommunication and
                                                Smart tourism       information technologies
                                                                    Integration and sharing level of tourism
                                                                    Reliability of energy utilization
                                                Smart energy        Usage efficiency of energy
               2     Smart applications
                                                                    Application level of new energies
                                                                    Application level of information networks
                                                Smart building      Application level of environmental
                                                                    protection and energy saving technologies
                                                                    Proportion of automated inspection on
                                             Smart environmental    environmental quality
                                                  protection        Proportion of significant pollution source
                                                                    Percentage of archiving electronic health
                                                                    records for residents
                                              Smart medical care    Usage rate of electronic medical records
                                                                    Sharing rate of resource and information
                                                                    among hospitals
                                                                    Sharing level of educational resource
                                                                    Level of optimization in the course of
                                               Smart education      education
                                                                    Promotion level of educational quality and
                                                                    Percentage of smart home installation
                                                 Smart home         Interaction rate of home informatization
                                                                    Expenses of home informatization

            852                                                      ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications
   857   858   859   860   861   862   863   864   865   866   867