Page 880 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 880

Performance indicators list
                  City services               Core indicator                    Supporting indicator

                                    Percentage of city population with   Total electrical use per capita
                                    authorized electrical service      (kWh/year)
                                    Total residential electrical use per   The average number of electrical

                                    capita (kWh/year)                  interruptions per customer per year
                                    Average length of electrical

                                    interruptions (in hours)
                                    Debt service ratio (debt service
                    Finance         expenditure as a percent of a      Tax collected as percentage of tax billed
                                    municipality's own‐source revenue)
                                    Own‐source revenue as a

                                    percentage of total revenues
                                    Capital spending as a percentage of

                                    total expenditures
                                    Percentage of women employed in
                                    the city government workforce
                                                                       Areal size of informal settlements as a
                 Urban planning     Jobs/housing ratio
                                                                       percent of city area
                                    Green area (hectares) per 100,000


                 Quality of life              Core indicator                    Supporting indicator
                                    Voter participation in last municipal   Citizen's representation: number of local
                Civic engagement    election (as a percent of eligible   officials elected to office per 100,000
                                    voters)                            population
                    Culture                                            Percentage of jobs in the cultural sector

                                                                       Percentage of persons in full time
                                    City product per capita
                   Economy                                             employment
                                    City unemployment rate

                                                                       Greenhouse gas emissions measured in
                  Environment       PM10 concentration
                                                                       tonnes per capita
                                    Percentage of city population living   Percentage of households that exist
                                    in slums                           without registered legal titles
                                                                       Number of homeless people per 100,000

                                                                       Percentage of city population living in
                  Social equity

            870                                                      ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications
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