Page 886 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 886

I. Environmental sustainability and climate change
                  #Topics              #Subtopic                    #Indicator                 #Unit of

                                                         21. Total annual electrical
                                                         consumption per residential      kWh/household/yr
                                                         22. Energy intensity of the      kg of oil equivalent
                                 D.2 Energy efficiency
                                                         economy                          per USD 1,000 GDP
                                                         23. Existence, monitoring, and
                                                         enforcement of energy efficiency       Yes/No
                                 D.3 Alternative and     24. Percentage of renewable
                                 renewable energy        energy in total energy generation        %

                                                         25. Existence, monitoring, and
                                 E.1 Air quality control   enforcement of air quality           Yes/No
                E. Air quality                           26. Air quality index                    #
                                 E.2 Concentration of                                       24‐hour average
                                 pollutants in the air   27. PM10 concentration
                                                                                            PM10 in μg/m3
                                 F.1 GHG emission        28. Existence and monitoring of
                                 measurement systems     greenhouse gas inventory               Yes/No
                                                         29. Per capita greenhouse gas      Annual tons of
                                                         emissions                          CO2e per capita
               F. Mitigation of   F.2 Total GHG emissions
               climate change                            30. Greenhouse gas emissions per   kg/USD of GDP
                                                         31. Existence of mitigation plans
                                 F.3 Mitigation plans and   with reduction targets by sector    Yes/No
                                                         and a monitoring system in place

                                                         32. Existence, monitoring, and
                  G. Noise       G.1 Noise control       enforcement of regulations on          Yes/No
                                                         noise pollution
                                                         33. Existence of risk maps             Yes/No
                                                         34. Existence of adequate
                                                         contingency plans for natural          Yes/No
                                                         35. Existence of effective early
              H. Vulnerability to                        warning systems
              natural disasters   H.1 Climate change     36. Disaster risk management in
                                 adaptation capacity and
              in the context of                          city development planning              Yes/No
               climate change    extreme natural events
                                                         37. Percentage of deliverables of
                                                         the disaster risk management           Yes/No
                                                         planning instruments that have
                                                         been completed
                                                         38. Budget allocation for disaster
                                                         risk management

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