Page 953 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 953

The tasks include, but are not limited to:
                   developing guidelines for the interface of data layer standards in SSC.

                   developing Recommendations for the future needs of big data, open data etc. supporting
                    various SSC services.

            Standards related to the data layer are still required in the following areas:
                   big data providing support to various SSC services;

                   spatio‐temporal framework providing geographical location and navigation for various SSC

            ITU‐T SG13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next‐generation networks).

            ITU‐T SG17 (Security).
            ISO/TC 68 (Financial services).

            ISO/TC 222 (Personal financial planning).
            ISO/TC 211 (Geographic information and Geomatics).

            DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force).
            HL7 (Healthcare Level 7).

            OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium).

            5.2.6   Application and support layer standards

            The standardization of the following technologies should be implemented in the application and
            support layer of SSC:
                   SOA;

                   information presence;
                   integrated management;
                   decision‐making.

            NOTE – [ITU‐T TR management] tackles the challenges of urban administration in SSC.
            The tasks include, but are not limited to:
                   developing guidelines for the interface of application and support layer standards in SSC.

                   developing guidelines for three dimensional (3D) virtual reality of SSC, city simulation, web
                    services for SSC, etc.

            Standards related to the application and support layer are still required in the following areas:
                   virtual reality;

                   city simulation;
                   web service for SSC.

            ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications                                                  943
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