Page 19 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 19

Core network aspects                                            1

            7.4     Social and economic awareness

            FNs are recommended to consider social and economic issues to reduce barriers to entry of the various actors
            involved in the network ecosystem. FNs are recommended to also consider the need to reduce their lifecycle
            costs in order for them to be deployable and sustainable. These factors will help to universalize the services,
            and allow appropriate competition and an appropriate return for all actors.

            8       Design goals
            Design goals are high-level capabilities and characteristics that are recommended to be supported by FNs.
            FNs are recommended to support the following design goals in order to realize the objectives mentioned in
            clause 7. It should be noted that some of these design goals may be extremely difficult to support in a
            particular FN, and that each design goal will not be implemented in all FNs. Whether the support of each of
            these design goals in a specific FN will be required, recommended, or optional, is a topic for further study.
            Figure 1 below shows the relationships between the four objectives described in clause 7 and the twelve
            design  goals  described  in  this  clause.  It  should  be  noted  that  some  design  goals,  such  as  network
            management, mobility, identification, and reliability and security, may relate to multiple objectives. Figure 1
            shows only the relationships between a design goal and its most relevant objective.

                                                     Service   Data
                                                   awareness   awareness
                                        Service diversity
                                       Functional flexibility
                                     Virtualization of resources     Data access
                                      Network management            Identification
                                      Reliability and security

                                       Energy consumption        Service universalization
                                          Optimization            Economic incentives

                                               Environmental  Social and
                                                   awareness  economic


                             Figure 1 – Four objectives and twelve design goals of future networks

            8.1     Service diversity

            FNs are recommended to support diversified services accommodating a wide variety of traffic characteristics
            and  behaviours.  FNs  are  recommended  to  support  a  huge  number  and  wide  variety  of  communication
            objects, such as sensors and terminal devices.
            Rationale: In the future, services will become diversified with the appearance of various new services and
            applications  that  have  quite  different  traffic  characteristics  (such  as  bandwidth  and  latency)  and  traffic
            behaviours (such as security, reliability, and mobility). This requires FNs to support services that existing
            networks do not handle in an efficient manner. For example, FNs will have to support services that require
            only occasional transmission of a few bytes of data, services that require bandwidth in order of Gbit/s,
            Terabit/s, and beyond, or services that require end-to-end delay that is close to the speed-of-light delay, or
            services that allow intermittent data transmission and result in very large delay.

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