Page 759 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 759

Transport aspects                                              2

            NOTE  –  This  value  is  taken  from  [b-BBF  TR-126],  corresponding  to  high  definition  television  (HDTV)  quality,
            quantified as an average of one error event in four hours.

    Accelerated testing of MTBE
            In order to facilitate testing, a special test mode is defined. This test mode shall be selected by enabling
            RTX_TESTMODE  for  the  PMS-TC  (see  Table  9-18)  at  the  transmitter  and  receiver,  and  enabling
            TPS_TESTMODE for the TPS-TC (see clause 8.1.3) at the transmitter. The remote FTU shall be forced into
            this test mode by sending a diagnostic command through the eoc (see clause

            When RTX_TESTMODE is enabled, retransmissions shall not be requested by the receiver (i.e., all DTUs shall
            be ACKed and all uncorrected DTUs shall be discarded) nor sent autonomously by the transmitter. In this
            mode, the receiver shall count uncorrected DTUs as during the normal operation.
            NOTE 1 – This test provides valid results only if performed in the presence of stationary noise only.
            The remote side shall enter the test mode upon eoc request (see Table 11-21 and clause

            NOTE 2 – In this test mode, the DRA function is configured in the DRA test mode. In the DRA test mode, the DRA sets
            TTR = M and TBUDGET to the maximum value allowed within the bounds set by the ME and PCE, for upstream and
            PDTU is defined as the probability that a DTU is corrupted, i.e., a DTU is not received correctly in a single
            transmission. In this test mode, it can be calculated for downstream and upstream separately from the DTU
            counters as:
                                                             _    _                      _        
                                                   = (                        _         /            )

                    Measurement_Time     is expressed in seconds.
                    TDTU    is the time duration of a DTU expressed in seconds.
                    Number_of_uncorrected DTUs  is  the  number  of  rtx-uc  anomalies  (see  clause  over  the
                    measurement time.

            In this accelerated test, the requirement for PDTU is:
                                                 . 8  3333 10  3             1
                                        P                      T             2
                                          DTU         f            DTU  _in _ DMT
            where fDMT is the symbol rate in Hz (see clause 10.4.4) and  TDTU_in_DMT is the average duration of a DTU
            expressed in symbol periods, which shall be computed as the average value of (NDTU+Q×RFEC)/BD during the
            measurement period (see clause 8.2).
            NOTE 1 – Appendix III provides the calculations motivating this requirement.
            NOTE 2 – The value of TDTU_in_DMT for downstream and upstream, and the value of fDMT are reported in the DPU-MIB.
      Definition of signal-to-noise ratio margin (SNRM)

            The SNRM is equal to 1 dB plus the maximum increase (scalar gain, in dB) of the reference noise PSD (at all
            relevant frequencies and assuming only stationary noise is applied at the U reference point), for which the
            MTBE  of  the  TPS-TC  stream  (see  Figure  8-3)  is  not  lower  than  the  minimum  MTBE  (MTBE_min,  see
            clause 10.3) specified for this TPS-TC stream, assuming only one retransmission of each DTU is allowed,
            without  any  change  of  PMD parameters  (e.g.,  bits  and  gains)  and  PMS-TC  parameters  (e.g.,  FEC
            parameters) and with error-free throughput (EFTR) (see clause 11.2.2) ≥ ETR.

            NOTE 1 – At 1 dB signal-to-noise ratio margin (SNRM) working point, the transceiver operates at MTBE equal to or
            better than the MTBE_min.
            NOTE 2 – During testing of the SNRM, only stationary noise is applied to the U-O or U-R reference point (i.e., no
            impulse noise is present), and  delay_max is configured to correspond to allowing only one retransmission of each

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