Page 174 - The Digital Financial Services (DFS) Ecosystem
P. 174

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

               •    Could have rudimentary ecommerce / remote order transactions in the future

               •    Ability to interface with growing number of marketplaces and apps that support individual and coop

               •    Immediate funds availability, but perhaps to a slightly lesser extent than M2
               •    Cross scheme utility – must be able to accept payments from multiple schemes; should be transparent
                    to the merchant which scheme the customer is using (as feasible)

               •    Some access to cash in/cash out agents
               •    Similar to M1 and M2:

               •    Could be taking remote (i.e., phone) orders for delivery
               •    Might also be taking remote payments for small credits extended to customers
               •    Some, perhaps small, likelihood that the merchant will have a bank account, so may need to utilize
                    eMoney/bank transfer capabilities

               3.4.3   Economics/cost sensitivity

               •    Cost sensitive, but perhaps less so than smaller segments
               •    May be willing to pay a small amount for remote transactions to the extent that they can generate
                    incremental sales

               3.4.4   Appetite for risk and need to manage risk

               •    Likely to have higher value transactions than M1 and M2
               •    Unlikely to pose meaningful financial or reputational risk on the system

               3.4.5   Operational assumptions
               •    Largely cash on delivery today

               •    May have access to a bank account for some/all settlement, but not necessarily
               •    Similar to M1 and M2
               •    Must be easy to enrol as a merchant but will likely put up with more friction than other segments

               •    Some tax-related accommodations may be required from governments, particularly in the early stages,
                    so as to not disincent merchant adoption

               3.5    M4: Mid-Sized Retailer

               •    Rural and urban retailers with multiple tills

               3.5.1  Technology

               •    Low cost/low feature electronic cash registers
               •    Today, each till would have a dedicated phone, likely a feature phone
               •    Owner may have access to a personal computer

               3.5.2   Key function and feature requirements
               •    Could have rudimentary ecommerce / remote order transactions in the future

               •    May use "merchant wallet" as settlement to buy inputs/supplies or even pay employees

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