Page 91 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Recommendations
P. 91

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services

                Title of recommendation       Consumers should be informed of deposit insurance scheme coverage for

                Working Group                 Consumer Experience and Protection
                Theme                         Protection of Funds

                Audience for recommendation   Regulators

                Regulators should require DFS providers to inform consumers whether mobile money and other digital stored-
                value products are covered by the deposit insurance system or not and, if so, under what conditions (e.g. the
                maximum amount covered per account or per customer). Public awareness initiatives should be carried out to
                raise consumer understanding of the deposit insurance system and its role in protecting DFS customer funds.

               Disclosure of key DFS terms and conditions is important to promote consumer confidence in DFS products
               and consumer trust in DFS providers. This is especially true when the DFS product allows customers to digital
               store-value in small amounts. If a deposit insurance system is already in place, consumers should be informed
               on whether such digital stored-value product is covered by the deposit insurance system or not, before they
               make a purchasing decision.
               Whatever approach is adopted, public awareness programs is important to explain to consumers what digital
               stored-value products are, whether they are covered by deposit insurance and, if so, under what conditions
               they are covered (e.g. the maximum amount covered per account or per customer). These programs would
               complement requirements on disclosure of information on deposit insurance for digital stored-value products,
               preferably in standardized format and language. This information would be useful for consumers to access
               through all relevant channels at the pre-selling stage (e.g. advertising, marketing, and informational materials;
               consumer agreements; USSD menus). As the coverage level may be updated regularly, consumers would benefit
               from easy access to check the coverage level during the life of the DFS product. In the Philippines, e-money
               issuers disclose on their websites that these products are not covered by deposit insurance. In Colombia and
               Mexico, where the direct approach is applied, disclosure on deposit insurance coverage is required.

               The International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) has public awareness as one of its Core Principles for
               Effective Deposit Insurance. IADI indicates that “…public awareness campaigns should adequately address
               what types of deposits and money transfer vehicles are covered by deposit insurance and what types are not,
               in order to minimize potential confusion among small-scale depositors and financial service providers alike.”
               The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision  in its latest financial inclusion guidance also recommends that
               a list of financial institutions be publicly available, indicating for each institution: “(i) the permitted activities;
               (ii) the supervisory authority; and (iii) whether deposit insurance is available to the deposits placed with them
               – and, if so, from whom. Each such institution should be required to disclose its status prominently – both at
               branches and through agents or other third parties acting on its behalf.”

               48   The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Guidance on the Application of the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision
                  to the Regulation and Supervision of Institutions Relevant to Financial Inclusion (2016) http:// www. bis. org/ bcbs/ publ/ d383. pdf

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