Page 166 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Technology, innovation and competition
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ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services
                                              Technology, Innovation and Competition

               9      Recommendations

               •    Regulators  who  may  be  impacted  by  the  emergence  of  DLTs  should  undertake  capacity-building
                    exercises with other regulators, government departments, academia, and the FinTech industry to build
                    understanding of DLTs.

               •    Any changes to laws and regulations should use a functional approach to ensure that there are no
                    technology-specific constraints to implementation of new technologies.

               •    As it may not always be possible to use existing financial laws and regulations for DLT, changes to laws
                    or regulations, no-action relief, or interpretive guidance from regulators may be necessary.

               •    DLTs should be tested though regulatory sandboxes, in similar form to that of the ‘test and learn’ regulatory
                    philosophy used for the first DFS implementations.

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