Page 26 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Technology, innovation and competition
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ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services
                                              Technology, Innovation and Competition


               Poor or non-existent user authentication is a major risk in mobile devices. Users should be encouraged to
               enable device authentication, including device PINs, gesture locks, and/or biometric authentication, and
               carriers should provide devices that include these features (this is especially important for feature phones).


               Without adequate logging mechanisms, including capturing the provenance of user actions or logging of critical
               actions into tamper-proof storage, it can be difficult to audit systems after the fact to establish culpability of
               actions. Without the use of digital signatures attached to actions, particularly those that arrive over a network
               connection, non-repudiation is not possible.

               Data confidentiality

               Applications are often reliant on security libraries offered by the operating system – this is the preferred practice
               to applications designing their own cryptography. Hence, it becomes particularly important to ensure that
               these libraries are correctly designed and implemented and that the cipher suites they support are sufficiently
               strong. The Heartbleed bug [5] was an example of a large-scale reliance on a security library that had been
               found to contain a long-lived security vulnerability, potentially compromising confidentiality of tens of millions
               of devices including smartphones.

               Communication security
               Support for encryption across network connections may be provided through libraries within the operating
               system. It is critical to ensure that such libraries remain updated to prevent attacks against encryption ciphers
               that can compromise confidentiality. Such attacks such as Heartbleed and POODLE have already been seen
               in commodity operating systems.

               Data integrity
               Similar to issues with communication security, it is vital that cryptographic libraries be updated in response to
               attacks against underlying cryptosystems and that applications are linked to these updated libraries, in order
               to support data integrity.


               A major concern for mobile operating systems is the threat of malware or other offensive code that can be
               wielded by an attacker, as well as insufficient protection against malformed input. Such malicious input can
               potentially lead to buffer overflows or other exploits in the operating system, which can cause applications
               and other services to crash, denying access for the DFS app to contact the external network.

               User privacy can be compromised by attacks such as phishing, which is often the first activity in advance of an
               advanced persistent threat (APT) that can lead to larger scale compromise. Attacks against operating systems
               have been numerous and virulent, from malware and privacy-compromising advertising to ransomware and
               targeted zero-day attacks.

               Recommendations for mitigation
               R6 – Regular security updates are critical to ensure that mobile operating systems running on user devices
               operate using the latest security patches. This is a means of protecting users against recently developed

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