Page 119 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 119

Challenges for a data-driven society

              Fig. 2. ICT-driven “green technologies” in modern   Hospitals as reflected upon relevant Industrial Property (IP) Docs.

                      Fig. 3. The time-dependent evolution of the IoT and the related Technologies during the last 10 years.
             4. PROCURING AND EMPLOYING “GREEN” ICT           new Technology and the contemporary Healthcare
                   AND BMT IN THE MODERN HOSPITAL             evolution  trail.  Services and development plans and
                                                              initiatives may be parallel; however, capital support  will
           One of the key tasks of the Health-systems is to translate   inevitably lag behind.
           needs  into Health-services, by procuring and employing   On the other hand, only some aspects of capital investment
           ICT, BMT and other Technologies and Services, in order to   are disposed to rapid change, while others are constrained
           translate them into appropriate facilities, i.e. Hospitals and   by  historical,  social and economical inequalities,
           other Healthcare Institutions. The context,  within  which   undergoing only slow evolutionary changes.
           health-capital  investment  takes  place, is complex and   For example, in Europe there are  at  least  28  different
           constantly  changing  and  it is often disrupted, by novel   National Health-systems frameworks, within which  public
           emerging  Technologies.  Health-care  facilities  should  be   and private Hospitals operate. It is important to recognize
           able to adapt to altering expectations and increasing needs   the different contexts that differ greatly, in terms of funding,
           and they have to respond to the opportunities, offered  by

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