Page 29 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
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                                    Vinod Kotwal , Smriti Parsheera , and Amba Kak  3

                                        1 Ministry of Communications and IT, India
                                   2 National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, India
                                                3 Mozilla Foundation, India

                              ABSTRACT                        companies to query the database for authenticating users.
                                                              Its ability to ‘uniquely’ identify individuals based on their
           Aadhaar, the largest biometric identification system in the   biometric / demographic information and Aadhaar numbers
           world, has been lauded for its promise to bring efficiencies   is the  stated basis  for the  government’s push to  integrate
           to government service delivery, and the stimulus to private   Aadhaar across (and even beyond) government  services.
           sector innovation. However, its claims have been contested,   Over the years, Aadhaar numbers have been linked to the
           and criticized for excesses in terms of potential threats to   transfer of direct cash benefits under schemes like public
           privacy on account of the vulnerabilities of biometric data,   distribution of food grains, employment guarantee benefits,
           mandatory linkage with numerous schemes and the    mid-day  meals in schools, LPG subsidies, etc. It has also
           possibility of mass surveillance through linked databases.   come to be widely used as identification proof for availing
           Even as the debate continues, every day, large volumes of   services like banking and finance, digital payments and
           data are being generated through the use of Aadhaar-  utility connections, among others.
           enabled  authentication and eKYC systems, both by   Despite this rapid proliferation, the  goals and architecture
           government as well as private entities. There has been   of the project have been met with growing resistance. The
           relatively  less  exploration  of  the  resulting  ‘open  data’   Supreme  Court of India is  currently  hearing a series of
           potential of Aadhaar and the manner in which it can   petitions challenging the constitutionality of  Aadhaar, its
           contribute to research, policymaking as well as    compulsory  linkage  for  the  delivery  of  government
           strengthening accountability of the Aadhaar authority   benefits, potential for exclusion of beneficiaries; and impact
           (UIDAI) itself.  The challenge is  to find ways to nudge   on privacy, among others. These hearings recently led to a
           UIDAI and all users of Aadhaar towards greater sharing of   pronouncement by a  nine  judge bench of the Indian
           data, in privacy-protecting ways that do not create risks for   Supreme Court that there exists a fundamental right  to
           Aadhaar-number holders. At this stage, we  lean towards   privacy in India, which cannot be denied except through a
           aggregate statistics as a means to open data while   fair, just and reasonable procedure established by law. The
           following the strictest standards of privacy.      Court also spoke of other tests to question the existence of a
                                                              legitimate  state aim and proportionality of the  measure to
           Keywords — Aadhaar, digital identity, open data, privacy   achieve that aim (Bhandari et al, 2017 [3]). These tests will
                                                              now be applied for testing the constitutionality of Aadhaar.
                                                              While the judicial determination of these issues remains
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     pending, the Aadhaar database continues to be encouraged
                                                              by the government and UIDAI as  the  focal point of  a
           Aadhaar, meaning foundation, refers to a 12-digit random   rapidly evolving data ecosystem. Hence there is a need to
           identification  number issued  by the Unique Identification   examine the data emanating from the Aadhaar system, and
           Authority of India (UIDAI). Originally established under an   its varied uses. Aadhaar is a publicly funded resource, and
           executive order in January, 2009, UIDAI came to become a   as such, there is a strong case for promoting the disclosure
           statutory body under the  Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of   of data points that can facilitate research, sound policy
           Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act,   making as well strengthen the accountability of the UIDAI
           2016 (“Aadhaar  Act”). The project currently holds a   itself.
           biometric database of more than 1,150 million individuals.   In this paper, we (i) identify the various streams of data
           Covering over 85 percent of India’s population, it is the   generated both by the Aadhaar system, as well as its varied
           largest national biometric database in the world.    applications  across sectors; (ii) identify the existing
           From  its  inception, Aadhaar was  a unique government   incentives for public and private sector to create open data;
           project - in part due to its collaboration with technologists   and (iii) suggest principles and an  implementation
           and entrepreneurs, and a focus on the potential applications   framework to guide the release of more open data through
           or use-cases the Aadhaar could lend itself to. This is also   Aadhaar.
           reflected in its  API-based  architecture that  allows private

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