Page 37 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 37


                                                Esmeralda Florez Ramos

                Technische Universität Berlin, Faculty of Economics and Management, Chair of Innovation
            Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS, Innovation and Technology Transfer

                              ABSTRACT                        modified, and shared by anyone for any purpose” [27] has
                                                              been adopted by governments around the world.
           Open data plays a key role for governments strategy to deal   This paper is part of a research on the open data impact on
           with challenges of the future. It has the potential to improve   innovation. The motivation behind this paper is to contribute
           public  sector´s  transparency,  engagement  of  civil  society,   to answering the questions: Can open data have an impact on
           and economic growth.                               innovation? Under which condition is this the case? Which
           This paper contributes to answering the questions: Can open   data can be used to assess the progress on a country level?
           data have an impact on innovation? Under which condition   Which  countries  are  successful  with  open  data?  How
           is  this  the  case?  Which  data  can  be  used  to  assess  the   successful are the government actions to support economic
           progress on a country level? Which countries are successful   development through open data?
           with open data? How successful are the government actions   This research is planned to have two phases, the first phase
           to support economic development through open data? The   presented in this paper is on the global open data status and
           exploratory  analysis  investigates  the  relationship  between   development over last four years. The second phase of the
           open  data  readiness  and  measures  on  impact,  and  on   research  will  further  deepen  the  analysis  of  the  main
           changes in open data development level and the influence of   observations  present  in  this  paper  to  comprehend  the
           the  country´s  level  of  ICT  development,  transparency  and   relationships between the different indicators.
           freedom. This paper also takes a specific look at economic   The analysis presented in this paper is on the relationship
           impact  scores  and  their  correlation  with  government   between the indicators of open data readiness and the open
           initiatives for training and innovation on open data.    data impact. Changes in the level open data development are
           It was found that success on open data at the country level is   also  analyzed  by  comparing  the  rank  positions  of  the
           based on good levels of ICT development, freedom and in the   countries and considering other indicators such as country´s
           interest of becoming more transparent. There are indications   level of ICT development, transparency and political rights
           that countries with low ICT development do not profit from   and civil liberties of individuals.
           open  data,  but  the  evidence  is  limited,  due  to  the  small   Without  going  into  in-depth  econometrics  this  paper  also
           number of countries observed. There is a strong correlation   analyses  the  correlation  between  the  level  of  open  data
           between support for entrepreneurship & business readiness   readiness for entrepreneurs & business of a country and the
           and economic impact. However, the relationship between the   measure  for  economic  impact.  This  measure  includes  the
           development of these indicators during the time of the study   level of available training on the use of open data and the
           and the measured impact is unclear.                support  for  innovation  with  open  data  offered  by
               Keywords—  Open  data,  status,  trends,  Open  Data   This  exploratory  analysis  is  done  at  a  global  level  using
           Barometer, impact.                                 secondary data from the historical datasets of the Open Data
                                                              Barometer (ODB) of the World Wide Web Foundation 2013-
                          1. INTRODUCTION                     2016,  and  other  reliable  sources  such  as  the  ICT
                                                              Development   Index   (IDI)   2016   by   International
           Open data plays a key role for governments strategy to deal   Telecommunication  Union  (ITU),  Freedom  in  the  world
           with challenges of the future. It has the potential to improve   status  2016-17  by  the  Freedom  House;  Corruption
           public  sector´s  transparency,  engagement  of  civil  society,   Perceptions Index (CPI) by Transparency International; as
           and economic growth through new open data business. In the   well as the Gross National Income (GNI) per country given
           information  age  in  which  we  are  living  having  access  to   by the World Bank.
           quality data implies an advantage to make better-informed   For the last 4 years, the ODB has provided data that scores
           decisions,  to  plan  better  strategies,  to  produce  better   and  ranks  the  countries´  level  of  readiness  for  open  data
           innovative ideas and new insights, and to find more suitable   initiatives, implementation of open data programs, and the
           solutions  for  complex  problems.  For  these  reasons  the   impact  that  open  data  has  on  business,  politics  and  civil
           concept of open data, which is data that “can be freely used,   society. The historical data of the ODB with it latest released

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