Page 8 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
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The conference also featured a special session and tutorial.

            The special session presented ITU standardization work on future networks as well as data processing
            and management for the Internet of Things and Smart Cities & Communities. The session featured
            four  expert  panelists.  Jun  Kyun  Choi,  Korea  Advanced  Institute  of  Science  and  Technology,
            presented on “Open data platform and ITU-T Focus Group on Data Processing and Management to
            support  IoT  and  Smart  Cities  &  Communities”.  Subin  Shen,  Nanjing  University  of  Posts  and
            Telecommunications, China, presented on “Blockchain and its possible related standardization work
            for the IoT”. Shao Weixiang, ZTE, China, presented on “How to make the interoperability of IoT
            data”. Ved Kafle, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan, and
            Rapporteur in ITU-T Study Group 13, presented on “Future network technologies for placement of
            IoT data and processing functions”. Ved Kafle also organized and ran a tutorial on the prospect of
            academic contributions to ITU standardization, highlighting potential for researchers to have their
            work incorporated into international standards.

            Thanks to an ITU agreement with IEEE Communications Society, selected papers from each year’s
            Kaleidoscope  conference  are  considered  for  publication  in  a  special-feature  section  of  IEEE
            Communications Standards Magazine. Extended versions of Kaleidoscope papers are also considered
            for  publication  in  special  issues  of  the  International  Journal  of  Technology  Marketing,  the
            International Journal of Standardization Research, and the Journal of ICT Standardization.

            All accepted and presented papers have been submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital
            Library. The Kaleidoscope Conference Proceedings from 2009 onwards can be downloaded free of
            charge from

            I would like to thank our sponsors and technical co-sponsors, our supportive partners and Alessia
            Magliarditi and her team from ITU for playing the leading role in the year-on-year progression of the
            Kaleidoscope series of academic conferences.

                                                                                                  Zhen Yang
                                                                                         President of NJUPT

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