Page 145 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 145

Trust in ICT                                                2

            –       (Microblogging) If someone wants to publish stories or ideas, others can recommend the related
                    stories and give a view of their favourites.
            –       (Like) Users can click the "like" button with a comment. Some symbols like a heart and bubble can
                    be posted on photos and messages.
            –       (Direct message) A direct message can be sent to an anonymous person for advice or just for a chat.
                    It allows people to anonymously share secrets.
            Web technologies for social media

            Many people recognize that web technology is a web page by using the web browser. A web browser displays
            a web page on a monitor or mobile device. With graphic user interface, the web page is what is displayed,
            usually  written  in HTML or  comparable markup  language.  Web  browsers  coordinate  the  various web
            resource elements  for  the  web  page  such  as style  sheets,  scripts, and  images  [33].  Typical  web  pages
            provide hypertexts which include the navigation menu to other web pages via hyperlinks. A web browser can
            retrieve a web page from a remote web server. The web browser uses the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
            to make requests to the web server. The web server may restrict access to only a corporate network. A static
            web page is delivered exactly as stored in the web servers, while a dynamic web page is generated by a web
            application that is driven by server-side software or client-side scripting. Today, web pages are becoming
            more dynamic as in many popular forums, online shopping, and even on Wikipedia. A dynamic web page is
            created at the server side when it is requested and served to the end users. These types of web pages typically
            do not have a permanent link, or a static URL, associated with them. The design of a web page is personal
            according to one's own preferences. Many people edit the contents of a web page by using web templates.
            They rely on web hosting services for a quick and easy creation of a web page.
            A web document is similar in concept to a web page, but a web document has its own uniform resource
            identifiers (URIs). It should be noted that a web document is not the same as a file. A single web document
            can be available in many different formats and languages. A single file, for example a hypertext preprocessor
            (PHP) script, may be responsible for generating a large number of web documents with different URIs. A web
            document is defined as HTML, Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), or resource description framework
            (RDF)  in  response  to HTTP requests.  As  for  the  resources  identified  by  URI,  the  user  gets  a  readable
            representation of the web, in which the resources are not only web documents, but also real world objects
            such as cars, buildings, sensors, and non-existing things.
            There  are  various  definitions  of  the  web:  web  service,  web  applications,  web  page,  web  protocol,  web
            operating systems, and web data, etc. First, W3C defines a web service as a software system designed to
            support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. Technically, a web service describes
            a standardized way of integrating the web-based applications using the XML, simple object access protocol
            (SOAP), web service definition language (WSDL) and universal description, discovery and integration (UDDI)
            open standards, which is defined as [34]:
            –       A web service has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically WSDL). Other
                    systems interact with the web service prescribed by its description using SOAP messages, typically
                    conveyed using HTTP with an XML serialization in conjunction with other web-related standards.
            •       Social graph for knowledge representation

            The social graph is a graph that depicts personal relations of users. In the relational representation of social
            networking services, the social graph has been referred to as "the global mapping of everybody and how
            they're related." [35] The graphic model of knowledge has structured the relationships with lines connecting
            objects to indicate knowledge. To solve problems of very complex systems, social graphs are used to find
            rules and relations of sets and subsets of problems. Various kinds of reasoning from individual views or
            opinions  automate  their  logics  into  a  graphical  form.  Knowledge  representation  by  using  social  graph
            incorporates  the  findings  about  how  humans  solve  problems  and  represent  knowledge  that  will  make
            complex systems easier to design and build. In a graphic form, knowledge representation goes hand in hand
            with automated reasoning because representing knowledge explicitly by graphic form is to be able to reason
            about that knowledge, to make inferences, and assert new knowledge, etc. All knowledge representation
            methods like social graphs have a reasoning or inference engine.

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