Page 198 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 198

3                                                    Trust in ICT

            –       Customer & Market: Satisfaction, Life cycle of service, Developer ecosystem, etc.;

            –       Business  model  process  (infrastructure):  Mobile,  Social,  Cloud,  Data  analytics,  Interoperability,
                    Standardization, etc.

            With these backgrounds, this clause intends to categorize new market disruption into three platform types
            of products, market and software. In fact, on the road of disruptive innovation, the related researches are
            almost about the platform strategies and the meaning of platform business has been expanded from the
            products & services to market & software ecosystem. In these three types of platforms, there are rationalities
            specific for each platform as follows [b-Sandberg] and the rationalities are related to the trust attributes [b-
            Mayer, b-McKnight]:
            –       Rationality of product platform (Integrity, ability and functionality): Modularity allows re-use and
                    decreases complexity, standardization of platform combined with customization allows economies
                    of scale and scope. The overarching goal is product efficiency and functionality;
            –       Rationality of market platform (Integrity, ability and benevolence): Re-use of infrastructure allows
                    efficient transactions. Focus on market efficiency and transaction costs. Competitive advantages are
                    achieved by attracting a large number of providers and customers through strategic decisions;
            –       Rationality  of  software  ecosystem  platform  (Integrity,  reliability  and  helpfulness):  Shared
                    functionality  in  codebase allows  specialization,  distribution of  development  costs  and  access  to
                    users. Commonality achieved through shared platform rather than application area.
            Based on disruptive model theory and ICT symmetry following Table 9-1 is presented, and detailed examples
            are shown in Appendix III.

                             Table 9-1 – A framework for analysing a trust based ICT service model

                                                      New Market Disruptions (platform type)
                  Types of
               Symmetric ICT      Products & Services       Customer & market         Business model Process
                                   (Product platform)        (Market platform)         (Software platform)
             Information      Ability                   Ability                   Reliability
             Symmetries       Functionality             Benevolence               Helpfulness
             Control Symmetries   Integrity             Integrity                 Integrity

            10      Use cases of Trust Provisioning for ICT infrastructures and services
            This clause discusses six use cases of trust provisioning for ICT infrastructures and services. The use cases can
            be shown in wide range of service domains requiring trust. Although each use case has different purposes
            and consists of different actors, it is true that trust can play an important role of mitigating risks of violation
            of security as well as privacy and mediating interactions among actors.

            Use case #1: Trustworthy smart home service

            Trustworthy smart home service is a service to monitor, control and manage home appliances and smart
            devices by using trust information. This use case focuses on a trust provisioning at home. The home gateway
            collects personal data from the household devices. After aggregating the personal data, the home gateway
            sends data to the remote service platform and service platform generates trust information from data and
            provides trust information to service providers for managing home appliances and other devices.

            Use case #2: Trustworthy smart office service
            This use case allows users utilizing various facilities in office based on the trust level of users. For the trust
            management,  various  properties  like  social/business  relationship  and  membership  of  each  user  can  be
            considered to determine each user’s trust level. Smart office provider offers office facilities to users based
            on the users’ trust level estimated by trust management platform.

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