Page 272 - Trust in ICT 2017
P. 272

5                                                    Trust in ICT

            6)      If the trust index exceeds the threshold value,

                    6.1)    The hard drive sends the document to User B's smartphone.
                    6.2)    The smartphone notifies result to User B.
            7)      If the trust index is lower than the threshold value,
                    7.1)    The hard drive notifies that the request was denied.
                    7.2)    The smartphone notifies result to User B.

            III.4   Intermediate device selection in device-to-device environment
            III.4.1   Description

            This use case focuses on using the social trust when selecting the device for data transmission in multi-hop
            device-to-device environment. Reliable transmission is possible by using social information in the process of
            device-to-device communication. Trust information provider calculates the trust index by using the collected
            social data from intermediate entities (e.g., smartphone) of users and then, this trust index will be used to
            judge whether that device has enough authorization to send information or not. The social IoT trust also can
            be used in the device selection process for the reliable exchange of information. Figure III.4 shows high level
            illustration for intermediate device selection scenario in device-to-device environment.

                              Figure III.7 – High level illustration for intermediate device selection

            III.4.2   Actors
            –       User: A user who takes the ownership of the things (e.g., smartphone and laptop, etc.) and wants
                    to exchange information with another peer via other users.
            –       Device (Smartphone): A device, which is an intermediate entity, is available to send its owner’s social
                    relationship information and its community of interest information to other devices. Also, it is in
                    charge of judging authorization to send information.
            –       Trust  information  provider:  this  is  mainly  in  charge  of  collecting  the  social  information  and
                    calculating the trust index.

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