Page 15 - International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Moscow
P. 15

Implementing ITU-T International Standards to shape Smart Sustainable Cities - The case of Moscow

                  The U4SSC KPIs for Smart Sustainable Cities  are sorted into three key dimensions: 1) Economy,
                  2)  Environment,  and  3)  Society  and  Culture.  Each  dimension  further  encompasses  different
                  sub-dimensions including:
                         1.  Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
                         2.  Productivity
                         3.  Infrastructure
                         4.  Environment
                         5.  Energy
                         6.  Education, Health and Culture
                         7.  Safety, Housing and Social Inclusion

                  Following closely on the heels of Dubai and Singapore, Moscow – along with Valencia, Bizerte,
                  Kairouan, Pully, Manizales, and many others – has initiated a unique working relationship with
                  ITU to test and verify the U4SSC KPIs for Smart Sustainable Cities. Accordingly, the U4SSC KPIs
                  for Smart Sustainable Cities are being used to assist Moscow and other participating cities in
                  analysing ICT’s role and contribution in making cities smarter and more sustainable.

                  These  KPIs  are  effective  tools  for  self-assessments  of  current  and  future  partner  cities’
                  “smartness” and “sustainability” schemes. The U4SSC KPIs for Smart Sustainable Cities are also
                  intended to be used for monitoring a city’s ongoing performance with respect to its Smart City
                  goals  and  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs).  Currently,  more  than  50  cities  are
                  implementing these KPIs.

                  4   These  sub-dimensions  (categories)  have  been  established  based  on  core  themes  that  organize
                  commonalities between the indicators.

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