Page 236 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 236

5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

            6.3.1   Big-data-driven interference coordination

            Within a heterogeneous network (HetNet) that has small cells, interference among macro and small cells
            requires coordination in the time domain in lieu of the frequency domain, such as the enhanced inter-cell
            interference coordination (eICIC) scheme in long term evolution (LTE)-Advanced.

            The determination of an appropriate almost blank subframe (ABS) ratio of the macro cell to the small cells
            depends on many factors, including the service types and traffic load in a given area. As is well known, service
            behaviour in small cells vary with time. Moreover, the traffic patterns of individual services also change. Thus,
            inter-cell  interference  does  not  remain  constant.  Therefore,  the  optimal  ABS  ratio  essentially  changes
            dynamically with time. In a bDDN system, network analytics can be used to optimize the allocation of radio
            resources.  Resources  can  be  allocated  to  adapt  to  both  environmental  and  traffic  changes  based  on
            information gained from data analytics. To enable a quick response, some bDDN optimization functions can
            be  deployed  at  the  micro  cell  eNB  (MeNB), so  that  they  can  collect  and  analyse  evolved  node  B  (eNB)
            originated  raw  big  data  in  real  time  (e.g.,  service  and  traffic  feature  characteristics).  Consequently,  the
            performance of each cell and users can be optimized by periodically processing raw data to obtain statistics
            and automatically detecting traffic variations, targeting the prediction of eICIC-optimized parameters, such
            as  the  ABS  ratio.  Moreover,  a  global  optimization  process  can  jointly  optimize  the  location  and  traffic
            demands of multiple eNB users. For instance, a certain small-cell eNB (SeNB) can be deactivated in order to
            avoid  interference  with  its  nearby  SeNB,  which  might  have  a  larger  throughput  due  to  a  higher
            signal-to-interference-plus-noise  ratio  (SINR).  Additionally,  a  reduction  in  energy  consumption  may  be
            another optimization objective to be considered.

            6.4     Big-data-driven network operation (marketing)
            By analysing user behaviour and preferences, as well as network status data, elaborate network operation
            can be achieved.

            Analysing  customer  network  service  use  behaviour  is  crucial  to  understanding  traffic.  It  is  important  to
            understand customer objectives and their interactions in performing operations when network operations
            are executed.

            6.4.1   Big-data-driven prediction of customer upgrade in mobile network
            With the evolution of the mobile network, faster speed improves customer experience. Mobile network
            operators (MNOs) invite more customers to use a higher rather than lower generation mobile network.
            MNOs  need  effective  methods  to  predict  customer  preferences.  MNOs  can  then  guide  customers  to
            complete a mobile network upgrade, from third generation (3G) to fourth generation (4G) or from second
            generation (2G) to 3G. By analysing big data of customer service use behaviour, combined with terminal and
            billing  data,  customers  preferring  an  upgrade  can  be  identified,  and  marketing  operation  strategy
            personalized.  Figure  6-2  shows  the  architecture  of  big-data-driven  prediction  of  customer  upgrade  in  a
            mobile network.

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