Page 315 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
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Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

                             Figure A.4 – Functional elements of the MMO functional component

            A.4.1   Multi-layer orchestration support functional element

            The multi-layer orchestration support functional element provides an internal interface to the multi-layer
            orchestration support functional element in the ALM, CLM, RLM functional components for requesting and
            receiving management operations and associated information for multi-layer orchestration.

            A.4.2   Resource layer management orchestration functional element
            The  RLM  orchestration  functional  element  provides  orchestration  of  SDN-RL  resources  provisioning  and
            A.4.3   Multi-layer management functions orchestration functional element

            The MMF orchestration functional element provides functionality for supporting the lifecycle management
            of SDN application/network services across the entire SDN operator's domain (e.g., multiple data centers
            interconnected by a WAN transport network).

            A.4.4   Inter-layer service orchestration functional element
            The  inter-layer  service  orchestration  functional  element  provides  orchestration  of  multi-layer  resource
            management. It coordinates management operations among the SDN-AL, SDN-CL, and SDN-RL, especially the
            relationships  among  virtualized  and  physical  resources  across  the  SDN  layers.  Some  examples  of
            orchestration realized by this functional element can be:
            –       orchestration for a multi-layer virtual to physical resource fault correlation;

            –       orchestration for scale-in and scale-out of control element (e.g., controller instances) depending on
                    the traffic demand changes in the underlying resource layer, and;
            –       orchestration  for  an  application  layer  service  provisioning  request  to  resource  layer  relevant

            A.5     External relationship management functional component

            Figure A.5 shows the internal structure of the ERM functional component.

                              Figure A.5 – Functional elements of the ERM functional component

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