P. 179

ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           5.2    Password-authenticated transport layer      5.3    Two-factor biometric authenticated key
           security                                           exchange

           In  their  2016  paper  on  password  authentication  in  the   SG17 should create a new standard that provides a strong,
           transport  layer  security  (TLS)  protocol,  Manulis,  Stebila,   two-factor identity authentication solution based on PAKE.
           Kiefer  and  Denham  noted  that  password  authentication  is   The new standard should expand the current ITU-T X.1035
           "perhaps  the  most  prominent  and  human-friendly  user   protocol  processing  to  include  a  step  for  matching  a  user
           authentication  mechanism  widely  deployed  on  the  Web"   biometric  sample  to  a  reference  template  associated  with
           [16].  The  authors  described  the  many  threats  associated   their  server  account  and  password.  For  purposes  of
           with user reliance for the protection of their credentials on   biometric  matching,  the  user  could  be  enrolled  in  a
           secure server-authenticated TLS channels established using   biometric  system  local  to  the  server,  or  they  could  be
           a public key infrastructure (PKI) [16]. They attribute these   enrolled  in  a  separate  system  that  provides  a  remote
           threats  to  PKI-related  problems  including  that  "security   matching  service.  The  later  case  could  enable  'biometric
           fully relies on a functional X.509" PKI that in practice may   portability', allowing a user to enroll one time in a biometric
           be  flawed,  and  on  "users  correctly  validating  the  server’s   system, then subsequently to be matched from any device.
           X.509 certificate" without being phished by an attacker [16].
           These  assumptions  about  PKI  implementations  have  been  In  current  ITU-T  X.1035  protocol  processing,  a  user
           shown not to be unreliable.                        attempting  authentication  sends  the  server  an  encrypted
                                                              message along with their account name. The server locates
           The authors note that many PKI failures in TLS are due to   the  password  associated  with  the  account  and  derives  the
           the  "problems  with  the  trustworthiness  of  certification   key needed to decrypt the message and authenticate the user.
           authorities  (CAs),  inadequate  deployment  of  certificate   When  a  biometric  sample  is  included  by  the  user  in  the
           revocation checking, ongoing threats from phishing attacks,   encrypted  authentication  attempt,  the  server  can  use  this
           and the poor ability of the users to understand and validate   biometric  sample  to  further  authenticate  the  user  with  a
           certificates"  [16]. Rather than rely on the rare case where   second authentication factor.
           users  possess  the  personal  certificates  needed  to  benefit
           from  mutual  authentication,  the  authors  propose  using   The confidentiality of the authentication-attempt message is
           PAKE  as  "part  of  the  TLS  handshake  protocol"  [16].   provided  using  a  symmetric  key  derived  from  the  user
           Following the execution of PAKE in the TLS handshake,   password.  The  user  can  safely  include  their  biometric
           "the key output by PAKE" would be used as "the TLS pre-  sample in the encrypted message, since the PAKE protocol
           master  secret"  for  deriving  "further  encryption  keys   protects  the  confidentiality  of  their  personally  identifiable
           according to the TLS specification" [16].          information  (PII)  from  phishing  and  man-in-the-middle
                                                              attack. Only the intended message recipient, the server that
           Though PAKE techniques have been standardized for years   shares  the  user  account  password,  can  derive  the  key
           in Recommendation ITU-T X.1035 and in ISO/IEC, there   needed to decrypt the message and gain access to the user
           has been no PAKE standard "agreed upon and implemented   biometric sample.
           in  existing  web  browser  and  server  technologies"  [16].
           SG17 should standardize PAKE for use as an option in the   When biometric matching is performed local to the server,
           TLS handshake. This would broaden the use of PAKE as a   at a minimum, the user biometric sample must be included
           standalone authentication technique to its use in a protocol   in  the  encrypted  user  message.  When  more  than  one
           widely  used  to  conduct  online  electronic  commerce   biometric technology type is supported, an identifier of the
           transactions and to provide secure communications between   type of sample being presented for authentication must also
           internet applications.                             be included. It is possible for a biometric matching system
                                                              to  support  multiple  technology  types,  so  more  than  one
           Adding  PAKE  to  TLS  would  enable  all  users  to  benefit   sample  and  type  may  be  presented  by  the  user  for
           from "secure password authentication" in "any application   authentication. The format and processing of these values
           that makes use of TLS", without requiring users to possess   should  be  standardized  by  SG17  to  promote  vendor
           X.509 certificates [16]. ITU standardization of PAKE usage  interoperability.
           in the handshake would allow "standard TLS mechanisms
           for key derivation and secure record-layer communication"  Biometric matching may be performed on a system remote
           to continue being used [16]. An ITU-T standard for using  to  the  server  authenticating  the  user.  In  this  case,  the
           PAKE  in  TLS  would  provide  users  the  convenience  and  encrypted user authentication-attempt must also identify the
           low cost of passwords and the security benefits  of mutual  location of the remote matching service for each biometric
           authentication.  By  making  PAKE  available  to  users  as  a  type  being  presented  for  authentication.  The  unique
           PKI alternative, the threats to users from phishing and man-  biometric reference template identifier associated with the
           in-the-middle attacks that are known to plague TLS could  user  enrolled  in  a  biometric  system,  and  the  type  of  the
           be addressed.                                      biometric sample should also be included. A standardized
                                                              schema  for  exchanging  this  information  as  an  encrypted
                                                              attribute should be standardized by SG17.

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