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2019 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

                                                              The economic advantages to be gained by automation are
                                                              better security at lower costs due to faster response times. In
                                                              addition to lower costs, another advantage of vendor agnostic
                                                              cybersecurity standards is removing ‘vendor lock-in’. The
                                                              commoditized interface [58] will force vendors to compete
                                                              on price and functionality, and this should spur innovation as
                                                              well.  Several  vendors  recognize  this  and  have  made
                                                              significant contributions [59]. Standards have been shown to
                                                              spur innovation [60] by removing artificial barriers. In the
                                                              case of the standards mentioned in this article, the intent is
                                                              that standardizing the interface will allow innovators easier
                                                              entry  into  the  market  due  to  the  ‘plug  and  play’
                       Figure 4 – Automation Flow             standardization  with  existing  customer  ecosystems.  Open
                                                              source software projects are beginning to appear to support
           Efforts in this area are not confined to classic IT but also   the community [61-69].
           affect OT as cyber-physical systems disrupt many industries
           [51]. California Energy Systems for the 21st Century (CES-  An area where healthcare has been in the lead is in the area
           21) seeks to address the cybersecurity challenges of future   of software transparency and using the Cybersecurity Bill of
           energy systems in California [52]. The energy industry has   Materials  (CBoM)  for  vulnerability  analysis.  A  CBoM
           increasing challenges as more energy generation moves to   contains both a traditional hardware bill of materials and a
           the edge (e.g. wind and solar power) while attacks increase   Software Bill of Materials (SBoM). The US Federal Drug
           both with IoT as a target and with IoT as a vector of attack   Administration (FDA) now includes CBoM as part of the
           [53,54].  CES-21  has  developed  a  framework  similar  to   pre-market guidance to medical device manufacturers [70]
           IACD which utilizes the concept of a machine-to-machine   and the US National Telecommunications and Information
           (M2M)  automated  threat  response  (MMATR)  which  uses   Administration  (NTIA)  conducted  a  successful  proof  of
           existing standards to the extent possible and identifies where   concept  (PoC)  with  multiple  healthcare  delivery
           new  standards  are  needed.  CES-21  has  been  active  in   organization and multiple medical device manufacturers [71].
           STIX , TAXII , OpenC2 and CACAO.
                                                                             5.  CONCLUSIONS
           JHU/APL did studies on their network comparing various
           automation  scenarios  with  their  current  manual  scenarios   Cybersecurity standards being developed today will enable
           [55]. Figure 5 shows their findings. Computers scale better   future IoHT systems to automatically adapt to cybersecurity
           than  humans,  so  more  indicators  were  analyzed  and   threats  in  real  time,  based  on  a  quantitative  analysis  of
           efficiency was increased. The most significant finding was   reasonable  mitigations  performing  triage  to  economically
           the  attacks  were  stopped  two  orders  of  magnitude  faster,   optimize the overall healthcare outcome. Quantitative risk
           resulting in significantly less damage.            analysis  will  use  standards  such  as  FAIR   and  DoCRA.
                                                              Automation  will  be  driven  by  standards  such  as  SBoM,
                                                              STIX , TAXII , OpenC2 and CACAO.

                                                              [1]   M. Andreessen, “Why Software Is Eating The
                                                                    World”, The Wall Street Journal, August 20 2011.
                                                                    3480904576512250915629460 .

                                                               [2]   International Telecommunication Union,
                                                                    Recommendation ITU-T Y.2060, Overview of the
                     Figure 5 – Automation Advantages               Internet of things, June, 2012. Available
           Phantom Cyber, a security orchestration vendor, published
           similar savings in combating phishing [56]. Their customer   [3]   J. Rodrigues, D. Segundo, H. Junqueira, M.Sabino,
           reduced phishing incident response costs by 98% and saved   R. Prince, J. Al-Muhtadi, V. De Albuquerque,
           $1.06M annually.                                         "Enabling Technologies for the Internet of Health
                                                                    Things", Access IEEE, vol. 6, pp. 13129-13141,
           Zepko, a managed security service provider in the United   2018.
           Kingdom,  used  OpenC2  to  increase  the  efficacy  of  their
           Security Operations Centre (SOC) by 25-30% [57].

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