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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           as a public-key infrastructure (PKI) [22]. The basic idea of  • Decentralization: The blockchain system is based on
           applying PKI to the EHRs platform is to have the trusted  a peer-to-peer distributed network, this feature makes
           user digitally sign documents certifying that a particular  it not to rely on a centralized management agency.
           cryptographic key belongs to a particular user. The EHRs  Therefore, the operation of the CB-EHRs platform is
           platform in the Internet brings convenience to users, but it  jointly accomplished and maintained by all medical
           also increases the possibility of privacy leaks. Using the PKI  institutions in the blockchain. If any medical institution
           to generate a public key and identity identifier for him/her  node is lost or damaged, the system can still function
           during the user registration process. Users are active and  effectively.
           authenticated in the EHRs platform in this particular state.
           This approach not only ensures the user’s legal identity but  • Tamper-proof: The chained structure of the blockchain
           also protects the user’s privacy. The purpose of PKI is to  ensures the tamper resistance of the data in the
           manage keys and certificates.                           blockchain system. If the information of a block is
           Digital signature, also known as public key digital signature  changed, the block header hash of the next block will
           [23], usually defines two corresponding operations, one for  also change. Therefore, if the attacking node wants
           the signature (private key) and the other for the authentication  to successfully change the transaction information, it
           (public key). The process of signing is as follows. First, the  only recalculates all subsequent blocks of the changed
           sender uses the hash algorithm to obtain a digital abstract,  block and catches up with the progress of the legal
           and the signature private key encrypts the digital abstract to  blockchain in the network.  In the current state of
           obtain a digital signature. The original text and the digital  network technology development, such an attack is
           signature will be sent to the recipient together. The receiver  difficult to achieve [33]. Therefore, applying blockchain
           then verifies the signature by decrypting the digital signature  technology to the CB-EHRs platform makes EHRs data
           with the sender’s public key to obtain a digital abstract. The  more secure.
           receiver will use the same hash algorithm to get a new digital  • Anonymity: Transaction data on the blockchain is
           abstract and compare the two abstracts. If the two match, the  open and transparent. However, the owner’s identity
           digitally-signed electronic file is successfully transmitted.  corresponding to the transaction is anonymous. The
                                                                  CB-EHRs platform can use blockchain encryption to
           3.3 Consensus mechanism                                hash user identity information. The resulting hash value
           Consensus refers to the process by which network nodes  is used as the unique identifier for the user, similar
           adhere to a common rule and achieves consistent results  to the bitcoin’s wallet address. The user’s behavior
           for certain problems through asynchronous interaction. The  on the CB-EHRs platform is associated with the hash
           consensus mechanism in the blockchain is mainly used to  value obtained earlier, rather than with the user identity
           make the network nodes agree on block generation and   information. This separation of user identity and user
           benefit distribution. The major difference between different  data protects patient privacy.
           blockchain networks comes from the difference in consensus  In what follows, we present the detail of the proposed
           mechanisms. Therefore, the characteristics and performance  CB-EHRs, its associated features and potential benefits.
           of different blockchain networks are also different, depending
           on the choice of consensus mechanism.
           Currently, Proof of Work (PoW) is used in the bitcoin  4.  DESIGN APPROACH OF CB-EHRS PLATFORM
           network [24]; Ethereum also uses PoW, and tend to gradually  This section provides a detailed explanation of related
           replace PoW with Proof of Stake (POS) [25]; Ripple uses  features and functioning of the proposed credible blockchain
           Ripple Proof of Consensus Algorithm (RPCA) [26]; Fabric  electronic health records (CB-EHRs) platform.
           uses Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) [27]; in
           addition, there are Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) [28]  4.1 Platform architecture
           and Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerance (dBFT) [29]. The
           CB-EHRs platform uses the dBFT consensus mechanism.  The proposed architecture of the CB-EHRs platform is
           This consensus mechanism was proposed by NEO [30], which  designed as a layered architecture.  The entire platform
           is an open source blockchain project driven by the community.  is divided into three layers, which comprise: (i) the user
           A comparison [31,32] of the characteristics of several major  interface layer, which is at the top; (ii) the business logic
           consensus mechanisms is shown in Table 1.          layer, which is in the middle; and (iii) the data access layer,
                                                              positioned at the bottom of the framework. Figure 2 presents
           3.4  Blockchain and CB-EHRs platform               an overview of the CB-EHRs architectural framework and
                                                              details of the architecture is presented hereafter.
             • Openness: The blockchain system code is open source.
               The system’s interface and data are also open to everyone  4.1.1  User Interface layer
               [33]. Each node in the system is allowed to obtain the
               complete copy of the database. Based on this feature,  The user interface layer is used to display data and receive
               the CB-EHRs platform enables medical data to be shared  user’s input information. It provides users with a graphic
               among medical institutions.                    interface that can interoperate with the entire blockchain

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