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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           enabler for the reference implementation. First, a literature   incentives  when  standards  developers  provide  reference
           review on open-source innovation was carried out to provide   implementations of Recommendations. For example, inside
           a theoretical background to this paper. Second, the OCF, "3-  the ITU-T’s template for A.1 justification for a new work
           pillar  alignment"  and  IoTivity  were  introduced  to  offer  a   item (NWI) proposal [35], a new line asking for plans for
           contextual background to this paper. Third, a case study on   reference  implementations  of  Recommendations  could  be
           the  authors'  efforts  to  specification  development  for   added. By the time of completion of the Recommendation,
           healthcare devices in the OCF using IoTivity was illustrated.   the draft Recommendation could be evaluated and consented
           Finally, the benefits of taking advantage of IoTivity and the   based on the reference implementation, which complies with
           implications   for   better   enabling   healthcare   IoT   the proposed Recommendation.
           standardization were discussed.
                                                              From  the  technological  perspective,  developing  reference
           6.1    Prospective future works                    implementations   would   require   Recommendation
                                                              developers  to  take  advantage  of  existing  open-source
           IoTivity  was  discussed  as  a  best  practice  for  a  reference   projects to save time and resource. During code development,
           implementation of OCF specifications, as well as an enabler   developers would seek guidance for external experts, which
           of facilitating the healthcare IoT. To harmonize with other   will  in  turn,  produce  more  mature  deliverables.  From  the
           SDOs outside the OCF, however, ensuring interoperability   marketing  perspective,  active  participation  in  open-source
           between  different  healthcare  standards  groups  using  a   projects would result in better promotion and exposure of
           universal healthcare bridge could be a next step forward. The   ITU-T Recommendations.
           OCF has already defined an OCF bridging specification to
           specify  a  high-level  framework  to  translate  between  OCF   Taking  into  account  some  best  practices  in  the  industry
           devices and other ecosystems [31].                 including  IoTivity,  the  authors  strongly  recommend  that
                                                              ITU-T, within their core mandates, continue their efforts to
           However, work on developing a specific healthcare interface   seek the roles of open-source implementation for faster and
           mapping  standard  is  not  yet  initiated.  For  example,  HL7   equal  adoption  of  not  only  healthcare  IoT  but  also  their
           FHIR specifies over 100 data formats and elements, APIs to   overall  Recommendations.  Such  efforts  could  lead  to  the
           exchange  electronic  health  records  (EHR)  in  the  medical   active  participation  of  developers  who  can  provide  codes
           domain [32]. Similar to IoTivity, there exists an open-source   immediately  applicable  to  production  and  deployment,
           project  called  HL7  Application  Programming  Interface   which  helps  companies  who  are  especially  in  need  of
           (HAPI) to provide reference implementations of HL7 FHIR   standardization development resources. Such practice could
           [33].  In  this  sense,  connecting  the  OCF  and  HL7,  by   eventually   facilitate   wider   adoption   of   ITU-T
           developing an interface mapping standard could surely bring   Recommendations.
           synergy  not  only  to  the  OCF  and  HL7  but  also  to  future
           healthcare IoT ecosystems. Such prospective work could be     7.  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
           accompanied  by  IoTivity  and  other  possible  open-source
           activities  for  developers  to  understand  the  collaborating   This work was supported by the Institute for Information &
           standard more rapidly.                             communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant funded
                                                              by  the  Korea  government  (MSIT)  (No.  2019-0-00137,
           6.2    Proposed efforts to ITU-T                   Standards  Development  of  Platform  and  Networking
                                                              Interworking for IoT Interoperability).
           International  standards  organizations  are  recognizing  the
           importance  of  open-source  innovation.  The  WTSA-16              REFERENCES
           instructed all applicable and relevant Study Groups of the
           ITU-T,  to  consider  output  from  TSAG  on  open  source   [1]  J. Lerner and J. Tirole, “Some Simple Economics
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           to  study  the  benefits  of  using  open  source  to  develop   197–234, Mar. 2003.
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           on Open Source Software (ISO/IEC JTC 1/AG 3) to assess   Technology Sharing: Open Source and Beyond,” J.
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           1/AG  3  also  seeks  to  identify  areas  where  open-source   [3]  G. Von Krogh and E. Von Hippel, “The Promise of
           software can be used to initiate or accelerate standardization   Research on Open Source Software,” Manage. Sci.,
           projects and work programs within JTC 1 scope.           vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 975–983, 2006.

           ITU-T  requires  industry’s  adoption  and  exposure  of  their   [4]  G. Von Krogh and S. Spaeth, “The open source
           Recommendations.  One  possible  way  to  facilitate  the   software phenomenon: Characteristics that promote
           adoption and exposure of their Recommendations is granting   research,” J. Strateg. Inf. Syst., vol. 16, pp. 236–
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