Page 15 - Unlocking the potential of trust-based AI for city science and smarter cities
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2.3     Results

            Approximately 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050 according to a recent
            United Nations report. This will exacerbate the existing pressures on resources and infrastructures in
            cities and communities. If appropriate steps are not taken this will significantly and adversely affect
            the quality of life of all citizens.

            From a technical perspective, the Trust paradigm, coupled with the power of AI to unlock insights
            from big data, offers significant opportunities to make our cities and communities "smarter",
            “more responsive”, and “trustworthy”. Potential benefits include more efficient transportation,
            optimization of the use of natural resources and enhanced safety for citizens.

            On the other hand, association of trust and AI microservices will foster and enhance the capability
            of SMEs and other small-scale technology companies to exploit proposed federated Cloud-Edge
            platform to deliver cutting edge AI-based applications in a more trustworthy manner.

            SMEs can take advantage of the new technologies provided to break the current barrier regarding
            transmitting of huge volume of IoT data to the cloud for analytics to provide real-time intelligence
            at the edge. SMEs providing smart living services, smart city applications, smart cars, smart
            transportation such as emergency support, crowd congestion control, etc. will benefit from the
            provided technologies.

            3.      Conclusions

            The processing and analyzing big data by leveraging cloud computing technologies are becoming an
            important resource that can lead to new knowledge, drive value creation, and foster new products,
            processes and markets.

            However, the large-scale collection and analysis of data can pose difficult privacy, security and trust
            issues ranging from the risks of unanticipated uses of consumer data to the potential discrimination
            enabled by data analytics and the insights offered into the movements, interests and activities of an
            individual. Therefore, it is important to process and handle data in compliance with user needs and
            rights in various application domains without human intervention.

            To cope with the development of a large number of complex and intelligent applications and
            services like in smart cities, it is needed to create a trusted environment for ICT infrastructure in
            order to share information and create knowledge. Consequently, there is a critical need to develop a
            trusted infrastructure as one of the most important parts in the future ICT environment.

                                              Unlocking the potential of trust-based AI for city science and smarter cities - October 2019  9
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