Page 214 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 214

1                                    Framework and requirements for cloud computing

                              Table I.5 – Relationship with related specifications from other SDOs

              NO.     Requirements in this          Relationship with related specifications from other SDOs
               27    Circulation of air flow    –  [b-OCP 1S] provides air flow set as 'The card level air baffle must be
                                              designed to help maintain temperatures of all major components on the
                                              server card by reducing bypass air and increasing airflow through key
                                              components' in clause 6.6.
                                           –  [b-OCP 2S] provides airflow set as 'The unit of airflow (or volumetric flow)
                                              used for this spec is CFM (cubic feet per minute).The maximum allowable
                                              airflow per watt in the system must be 0.107' in clause 10.2.26.
                                           –  [b-OCP JBOG] provides system airflow set as 'The unit of airflow
                                              (or volumetric flow) used for this spec is CFM (cubic feet per minute). The
                                              maximum allowable airflow per watt in the system must be 0.14 at sea
                                              level' in clause 8.2.3.
                                           –  [b-OCP SJ] provides cooling set as 'To meet thermal reliability requirement,
                                              the thermal and cooling solution should dissipate heat from the
                                              components when system operating at its maximum thermal power' in
                                              clause 11.
                                           –  [b-OCP Yose] provides airflow set as 'The unit of airflow (or volumetric flow)
                                              used for this spec is cubic feet per minute (CFM)' in clause 8.2.5.
               28    Interconnect network   –  [b-ETSI EVE007] provide interconnect network supports as 'support links of
                     supports                 types other than Ethernet' in clause 5.4.2.
                                           –  [b-OCP 1S] provides interconnect set as 'When the SoC's integrated network
                                              controller is used as a shared NIC, its SMBus is routed to Connector A as the
                                              sideband interface' in clause 7.9.1.
                                           –  [b-OCP 2S] provides interconnect set as 'High speed mid-plane is mid-plane
                                              with power delivery, plus high speed interconnect on mid-plane' in
                                              clause 12.3.
                                           –  [b-OCP JBOG] provides interconnect set as 'For JBOG with 8x GPUs in SXM2
                                              form factor, it shall support NVLINK interconnection shown below' in
                                              clause 4.3.
               29    Sharing process unit   –  [b-OCP 2S] provides share SPI bus set as 'A secondary identical BIOS chip is
                     component                designed in sharing the same SPI bus with multiplexedCS pin' in clause 6.1.
                                            –  [b-OCP OBIOS] provides share io set as 'ATA controllers running in native
                                              mode use their PCI interrupt for both channels and can share this interrupt
                                              with other devices in the system, like any other PCI device' in clause
               30    Network topology      –  [b-OCP OCSB] provides topology set as 'CPU-to-tray backplane mezzanine
                                              PCIe link topology' in clause 7.1.
               31    Configuration of      –  [b-OCP 1S] provides configuration set as 'Set Bridge IC configuration' in
                     multiple processing      clause 9.7.10, Table 6.
                     units                 –  [b-OCP 2S] provides configuration set as 'Vendor should provide utility
                                              under CentOS to perform VR configuration change. Configuration change
                                              should take effect without AC cycling node' in clause 15.3.4.
                                           –  [b-OCP OBIOS] provides multi process configuration set as 'The Intel Xeon
                                              Scalable processor is implemented with 1 or more cores with each core
                                              capable of supporting Intel HT Technology. The result is multiple logical
                                              processors in a physical package' in clause 4.13.

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