Page 307 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 307

Framework and requirements for cloud computing                              1

                   Table I.2 – Inter-cloud use case: Performance guarantee against an abrupt increase in load

                                                         Use case

             Use case title                Inter-cloud use case: Performance guarantee against an abrupt increase in load
             Relevant roles                CSP and CSC
             Use case description          –  A CSP guarantees its service performance, even when an unexpected surge
                                              in access to the service arises, by using cloud resources provided by other
                                              CSPs on a temporary basis.
                                           –  When overload is detected at a CSP, available resources in other CSPs are
                                              autonomously discovered and reserved through the inter-cloud federation.
                                           –  Network connections among interworking CSPs are instantaneously
                                              established or reconfigured. Then service-related data including user
                                              identifier (ID), user data and application data are transferred from the
                                              original CSP to the CSP that is leasing the resources.
                                           –  Access from CSCs is appropriately changed to the interworking CSPs so as to
                                              distribute the load and thus mitigate the overload of the original CSP.
             Information flow              –  Relevant CSPs are supposed to join a common trusted alliance (i.e.,
                                              federation) in advance and set up the service level agreements (SLAs).
                                           –  A CSP inquires about the resource availability of other CSPs in the federation
                                              and requests reservation of the available resources that meet the quality
                                              requirements of the CSC. The requested CSPs reply whether or not they are
                                              able to lease the requested resources.
                                           –  The cloud resource management (e.g., CRUD: create, read, update and
                                              delete) are operated across multiple CSPs. The management is to enable
                                              cloud resources to be leased from different CSPs in the federation.
                                           –  The relevant CSPs exchange monitoring and auditing information of the
                                              leased resources.
             High-level figure describing the
             use case

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