Page 775 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 775

Video processing and storage                                       4

            –       SER-12: A VSCC platform is recommended to support the management of video-transcoding tasks,
                    e.g., creation, pause, restart and deletion.
            –       SER-13: A VSCC platform is recommended to view the progress of video-transcoding tasks.
            –       SER-14:  A  VSCC  platform  is  recommended  to  view  the  status  of  resources  utilized  by  video-
                    transcoding tasks.
            –       SER-15:  A  VSCC  platform  is  recommended  to  support  the  viewing  of  log  files  that  record  the
                    operations of video-transcoding tasks.

            7.3     Security requirements
            7.3.1   Authentication security requirements
            –       SEC-01:  A  VSCC  platform  is  required  to  provide  the  mechanisms  for  authentication  and
                    authorization, and to permit only authorized users to access the system and use system services. A
                    VSCC platform is required to forbid unauthorized users to handle any system resources.
            7.3.2   Access security requirements
            –       SEC-02:  A  VSCC  platform  is  required  to  operate  in  an  environment  where  network  address
                    translation (NAT) or firewall devices are present. It is recommended to utilize specified firewalls,
                    gatekeepers  and  other  network  devices  to  ensure  security  for  access  to  some  special  cloud
                    computing services.
            7.3.3   Content security requirements
            –       SEC-03: A VSCC platform is recommended to ensure the security of processed video data, the results
                    of the video processing, etc.
            –       SEC-04: A VSCC platform is required to protect user privacy.

            7.3.4   System security requirements
            –       SEC-05: A VSCC platform is required to have the capability to resist various attacks.
            –       SEC-06: A VSCC platform is required to provide troubleshooting mechanisms. It is required that a
                    structural single-node problem be avoided (i.e., a problem at a single node should not cause failure
                    of the entire system).

            7.4     Management requirements

            7.4.1   Resources management requirements
            –       MAN-01: A VSCC platform is required to support resource management of the cloud computing
                    platform. Resources can be increased and decreased flexibly according to service requests.
            7.4.2   Equipment management requirements
            –       MAN-02: A VSCC platform is required to provide unified management of the computing equipment.

            7.4.3   Service management requirements
            –       MAN-03: A VSCC platform is required to provide various computing service subscription means for
                    users, and to provide the capabilities to query, view and modify their subscription information.
            –       MAN-04: A VSCC platform is recommended to provide the capability of accounting, charging and
                    billing for the computing service operation.
            –       MAN-05: A VSCC platform is recommended to provide various alternative accounting modes, and to
                    support  flexible  combination  of  payment  modes,  billing  modes,  billing  cycles,  preferential
                    pricing, etc.

            7.4.4   System management requirements
            –       MAN-06: A VSCC platform is required to provide a unified system management interface that can
                    be called conveniently.
            –       MAN-07: A VSCC platform is required to provide a visual interface for users.

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