Page 20 - FIGI: Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
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5�3  The Crypto-economy                            coin  - are often have very volatile values, making
            As the variations and use cases  emerge, many have   them impractical for financial inclusion use. 80
            been classed under term Decentralized Finance        Volatility of the value in CCs is certainly the
            (DeFi) to describe financial systems and product   most cogent reason, leading to the introduction of
            applications designed to operate without a central-  so-called ‘stablecoins’, pegged as there often are to
            ized system such as an exchange and often using    some fiat currency such as the USD or some other
            Decentralized Applications (dApps). DeFi is said to   real-world asset. Facebook for example announced
            be part of the evolving ‘crypto-economy, stylized   the ‘Libra’  stablecoin, – a public and permissioned
            in  Figure 2  showing various crypto-assets, actors,   blockchain using POS. Touted to be run independent-
            users, and technologies, all ‘wrapped’ in applicable   ly by the Libra Association, it will act as a P2P solution
            laws and regulations. 75                           across borders. It has however encountered severe
               DeFi is evolving into one of the most active  sec-  regulatory headwinds  Still, a number do remain
            tors of the DLT sector. The core technologies that   and crypto-currency-based remittances remain rel-
            make up the globally accessible DeFi platforms are   atively popular in population segments in develop-
            stable coins,  decentralized crypto-exchanges, or   ing regions such as Ripio in Argentina,  SureRemit in
            DEXs (and/or exchanges that do not hold – have cus-  Nigeria,  and the use of Dash in Venezuela.
            tody of - users’ private keys), multi-currency wallets,   Tokens are secured by cryptographic keys and the
            and various payment gateways that include lending   token themselves are stored in a number of ways,
            and insurance platforms, key infrastructural develop-  depending on their type and whether the owner of
            ment, marketplaces, and investment engines.        that token wants to keep them liquid for trading. If
               There are also crypto-asset classes using tokens   the owner wants to simply store them, they can use
            to represent a value or digital asset, again stylized   a  ‘wallet,’  a  medium  to  store  the  seeds/passphras-
            in Figure 2� Tokens are largely fungible and tradable,   es/keys associated to crypto-asset accounts. These
            and  can serve a multitude  of different functions,   secrets are required to generate the private keys
            from granting holders access to a service to entitling   used to sign transactions and spend money. Unlike
            them to company dividends,  commodities or voting   real wallets, a crypto wallet does not directly include
            rights. Most tokens do not operate independently but   funds, only the key to spend them. The public keys
            may be hosted for trading by a crypto-asset trading   and address can be made public but may compro-
            platform or exchange. Newer tokens types may act   mise anonymity and linkability. 86
            to transfer rights or value between two parties inde-  There are hot or cold wallets. The former are like
            pendent of any third party exchange or technology   saving accounts which must be connected to the
            platform. Crypto-currency tokens - such as from Bit-  internet, but there is a higher risk of theft than cold
                                                               wallets which are like saving accounts and can be

            Figure 2: The stylized ‘crypto-economy’

            The stylized ‘crypto-economy,’ using crypto-assets and ‘wrapped’ in applicable laws and regulations. Actors here are those
            involved in any process which generates, values, issues, stores, or trades a crypto-asset. Key: UT = Utility Tokens; ST = Secu-
            rity Tokens; CC = Crypto-currencies; ICO = Initial Coin Offering; IEO = Initial Exchange Offering; DLT = Distributed Ledger
            Technologies; dApps = Distributed Applications

            18   Security Aspects of Distributed Ledger Technologies
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