Page 7 - Frontier technologies to protect the environment and tackle climate change - Executive Summary
P. 7

Frontier technologies to protect the environment and tackle climate change

               use. In addition, the Dubai Carbon
               Abatement Strategy 2021 has
               specific greenhouse gas reduction
               targets for each sub-sector.

               Combining IoT initiatives with other
               smart sustainable city initiatives, in
               addition to having a distinct IoT-
               related strategy are among the best
               ways to ensure the technologies
               are fully leveraged and deployed.
               Nevertheless, any transition to a fully
               energy-efficient economy will take time, and will entail fundamental economic and regulatory
               changes requiring the mobilization of different authorities.

               5G for smart water supply management

               5G technology is the fifth generation of cellular networking technology. It is expected to offer
               faster speeds, less latency and more coverage, in addition to longer battery life, larger data-
               transfer capabilities, greater potential for cloud processing and improved overall reliability.
               In short, as well as increasing connectivity speed, it will also enable more types of devices to
               be connected, including vehicles, appliances and other IoT devices, across a huge range of
               different areas.

               Taking the vital example of
               water availability, efficiency and
               conservation, 5G can enable smart,
               real-time monitoring of urban water
               supply systems and decreases in
               apparent and real water losses. The
               report examines Singapore’s smart
               water grid and supply management
               system (WaterWise), which uses
               hundreds of sensors and data
               analytic tools to detect leaks and
               monitor water pressure, flow and
               quality  in  the  network,  helping  to
               reduce unaccounted water loss and improve planning, operations and cost savings via energy
               WaterWiSe relies on a generic wireless sensor network for online monitoring of the city’s entire
               water distribution system, but 5G technology – which Singapore is due to roll out commercially
               in 2020 – offers value for integrated platforms such as WaterWiSe that are built to monitor in

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