Page 109 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 109

Industry-driven digital transformation

           which  contains  4  time  domain  occasions.  The  simulation   For the performance of eMBB transmission, we can see from
           results are shown in Figure 10.                    Figure 11 and Figure 12, that with the increase of cell load,
                                                              UPT of eMBB transmission shows a downward trend. In all
           As  shown  in  Figure  10,  the  most  suitable  boosted  power   cell load scenarios, ROPC has the largest UPT for eMBB
           value  may  not  be  always  6  dB,  and  we  divide the  power   transmission, which is mainly due to the dynamic selection
           increase value into four levels with dotted lines equal to 0, 3,   of boosted power value. It can be observed that DPCI has a
           6 and 9. In this experiment, a 6 dB power boosting cannot   maximum gain of 13.78% compared with BCI, and ROPC
           meet the reliability requirement for URLLC in 17 out of 100   has a maximum gain of 12.50% compared with BPC.
           conflicts, while 6 dB power boosting becomes wasteful in 40
           out  of  100  conflicts.  For  ROPC,  9  dB  can  be  boosted  in   0.325  0.3049(+4.6%)
           scenarios  where  6  dB  cannot  meet  URLLC  transmission   0.2915                         BCI
           requirements,  while  3  dB  and  0  dB  can  be  boosted  in               0.2764(+7.26%)  DPCI
           scenarios of good channel condition quality to save power.   0.275        0.2577

               10                                                0.225                           0.2187(+13.78%)
                9                                                                                  0.1922
                                                                 0.175    (5,10)       (10,10)      (20,10)
               Boosted power value (dB)  5 4 3                Figure 11 – UPT of eMBB transmission for BCI and DPCI
                                                                                 Cell load setup Ω

                1 2
                0                                                         0.3417(+4.69%)               BPC
                -1                                                      0.3264                         ROPC
                    10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90  100                            0.3132(+7.48%)
                               Conflict number                   0.295               0.2914
                                                                UPT(Mbps)                         0.2547(+12.5% )
                  Figure 10 – Actual boosted power values
           4.3    System  performance  comparison  for  different   0.245                          0.2264
           multiplexing methods
                                                                          (5,10)       (10,10)      (20,10)
           To  compare  the  performance  of  different  multiplexing               Cell load setup Ω
           methods as described above, the performance of the URLLC
           transmissions  and eMBB  UE perceived  throughput  (UPT)   Figure 12 – UPT of eMBB transmission for BPC and ROPC
           are evaluated. The corresponding simulation assumptions are
           shown in Table 3.
                                                                Table 4 – Percentage of UEs satisfying reliability and
                                                               latency requirements for URLLC transmission in different
           The scheduling granularity is set to 14 OFDM symbols for          multiplexing methods
           eMBB and 3 or 4 OFDM symbols for URLLC. For BCI, 2-
           D  bitmap pattern  is  set as  4×7,  which  means the  RUR  is   Multiplexing
                                                                                  , 5
           divided into 4 parts in the time domain and 7 parts in the   method   Ω  =  ( )    Ω  =  ( ,10 10 )    Ω  =  ( ,20 10 )
           frequency  domain.  For  BPC,  6  dB  power  boosting  of
           URLLC transmission is assumed in case of overlapping with   No scheme (%)   84.37   78.64   66.71
           eMBB transmission. For DPCI, 4 bits are used for indicating   BCI (%)   93.33   89.87      80.64
           which time domain occasions is occupied, and 2-D bitmap
           pattern  is  dynamically  set  based  on  the  actual  number  of   DPCI (%)   93.27   89.64   80.62
           occasions  occupied,  such  as  1×24,  2×12,  3×8,  4×6.  For
           ROPC,  the  power  boosting  value  is  set  according  to  the   BPC (%)   87.78   83.97   73.84
           actual overlapping resource proportion, and it is divided into
           4 levels, such as 0 dB, 3 dB, 6 dB, 9 dB. The system-level   ROPC (%)   88.34   86.47      76.77
           simulation  results  are  shown  in  Figure  11,  Figure  12  and
           Table 4. As a reference, URLLC performance of UL inter-  Although the cancellation method has a bigger impact on the
           UE multiplexing with no scheme is also listed.     eMBB  transmission,  it  can  effectively  eliminate  the
                                                              interference of eMBB transmission on URLLC transmission.
                                                              This is proved by the simulation results in Table 4, where

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