Page 120 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
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2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

             [21]  S. Xu, J. Xin, “Study on 5G uRLLC Enhancement   [24]  3   TSG-RAN     Meetin      RP-182090,
                   Technology  for  Ultra-reliableand  Low  Latency   “Revised SID:Study on NR Industrial Internet of
                   Communications,”  Mobile  Communications,  vol.    Things (IoT),” 2018.
                   43, no. 9, pp. 62-67, Nov. 2019.
                                                                [25]  IEEE 802.1Qbv-2015: “IEEE Standard for Local
             [22]  3GPP TSG RAN WG1 Meeting#96 R1-1903448,            and  metropolitan  area  networks  -  Bridges  and
                   “Evaluation  of  URLLC  Factory  Automation        Bridge   Networks    -   Amendment    25:
                   Scenario at 30 GHz,” 2019.                         Enhancements for Scheduled Traffic”.

             [23]  3GPP  TS  38.211:  “Physical  channels  and   [26]  3GPP TS 38.331: “Radio Resource Control (RRC)
                   modulation (Release 16)”.                          protocol specification (Release 16)”.

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