Page 186 - Kaleidoscope Academic Conference Proceedings 2020
P. 186

2020 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference

           predetermined parameter. Similarly, the parameters w 2 is  to the problem of handover.
           chosen according to the degree of negative impact of one
           handover. By using the Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm, we  Intuitively, the RSRP series in the LEO network has strong
           can find the longest path from the first time slot to the last  regularity, so a relatively simple neural network structure
           time slot, which is actually the optimal handover strategy for  should be chosen to reduce the training time and prevent
           this UE.                                           overfitting.  The LeNet-5 [12] was firstly designed for
                                                              character recognition and is a relatively simple modern CNN
                                                              structure. The default size of the input of LeNet-5 is 32 × 32.
           3.2  A CNN based optimization for handover
                                                              However, in the LEO network model presented in Subsection
           RSRP is defined as the linear average over the power of  2.1, the number of detectable beams for one UE is generally
           the resource elements that carry some predefined reference  smaller than 32. Therefore the size of the input data needs
           signals. Assume a UE can predict the RSRP of different  to be reduced. Actually, in the simulation the number of
           beams for a long period, then the method in Subsection  considered beams in each time slot is set to be 10. The length
           3.1.2 can be used to find the optimal handover strategy.  of a time slot is set to be 0.5s and the RSRP values in the
           However, in most cases a UE only knows its historical RSRP.  previous 10 time slots are used to form the input. Then the
           A standard 5G UE needs to measure the RSRPs of detectable  input of the CNN is a matrix of size 10 × 10. In LeNet-5, two
           cells, and handover to the strongest cell if its RSRP minus  convolutional layers are used. The two convolution kernels
           a predetermined threshold is larger than the serving RSRP.  both have size 5 × 5. Besides, two pooling layers are used
           In this way the information hidden in the historical RSRP is  to reduce the number of trained parameters. Because of
           ignored. Actually, at least in the LEO scenario, the historical  the reduced input size, some layers in LeNet-5 need to be
           RSRP is able to help UEs to make suboptimal handover  customized. First, one convolution kernel is reduced to have
           decisions. The series of historical RSRPs of the strongest  size 3 × 3. Then the pooling layers are deleted since the
           K beams in each time slot forms a two-dimensional matrix.  number of parameters is not large. The structure of the
           A customized CNN is used to optimize the handover decision  resulting CNN is presented in Figure 5. The output of size 10
           based on the matrix in this subsection.            is corresponding to the 10 kinds of handover decisions, i.e.,
                                                              which one of the 10 strongest beams the UE will connect in
           CNN is an effective tool to elicit information from  the next time slot.
           two-dimensional data. It has been widely used to extract
           features from images.  A classical CNN consists of  The data preprocessing and the training procedure consist of
           one or more convolutional layers, pooling layers, and  four steps as follows.
           fully-connected layers. The features of the input data are  1. For every UE, generate the RSRP values of different
           extracted layer by layer, and are summarized in the last  satellites in every time slot. If one satellite is invisible
           fully-connected layer to generate the final output. Compared  or its signal is too weak to detect, then the RSRP values
           to the fully-connected layer, the convolutional layer takes  are regarded as 0.
           advantage of the strong local spatial correlation in natural
           images and only has a few parameters to be trained.  It  2. Compute the best handover strategy for every UE
           is worth mentioning that the matrix of RSRP also has the  based on the proposed directed graph based method in
           “local spatial correlation”, i.e., the cooperation of the RSRP  Subsection 3.1.2.
           values in adjacent time slots and the RSRP values of the
           nearest 3 or 4 beams are more likely to contain information  3. For every UE in every time slot, the previous 10 RSRP
           for handover decisions. Therefore it is suitable to apply CNN  values of the 10 strongest beams are used to form a

                                      Figure 5 – The CNN structure for handover optimization

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